5. Itachiyama vs Fukurodani (Boys' Volleyball)

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"He made it in as one of the top 5 spikers in Japan. It's expected," Sakusa said standing behind [F/n],

"Hey, hey, hey, Sakusa!" The Fukurōdani ace came up to the three, "This time I'm going to win and be the number one ace!"

"Try if you can, Bokuto," Sakusa retaliated.

"Bokuto-san," Fukurōdani setter came to the group, "It's been awhile, Sakusa, Komori."

The two nodded at the setter and he looks at [F/n], "and you are...?"

"I'm Mori [F/n]. I'm on the girl's volleyball team. I play libero," bowed in greeting with zero change in facial expression.

"Nice to meet, Akaashi Keiji."

"Hey, I'm Bokuto Kōtarō! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you, too," [F/n] said and complimented the owl, "Bokuto-san, that cut shot very cool."

"Right!? I'm awesome!"

"However that awesomeness only got you to the top 5," Sakusa said deflating Bokuto's energy.

"He somehow didn't make it into the top three." Akaashi said deflating Bokuto even more.

"Really?" [F/n] asked Komori. "Just a barely grazing the number three rank."

That deflates Bokuto even more making his white-grey and black hair floop down like a wilted flower.

"But...," everyone turned to the girl as beginnings to speak, "That means if Sakusa-senpai or any of the other top 3 aces lose to Bokuto-san, they would immediately lose their spot and be butted down below Bokuto-san, right?"

This struck a cord between the two aces. Sakusa's aura became darker and Bokuto's aura lit up brighter. Komori bursted into laughter.

"You're right, Mori!" Bokuto ecstatically said. Sakusa went to the court, "I'm absolutely not losing."

"I'm not losing, too! Let's go, Akaashi!" Bokuto followed suit with Akaashi following behind after saying later to the liberos.

"Nice job, Mori-san," Komori patted [F/n]'s head as she looked up at the fellow libero in confusion, "You lit a fire in Sakusa."

"I see...? Good luck out there." Komori thanked her went to the court to get ready.

~ ♪ ~


"Bokuto-san!" The Fukurōdani ace spikes a straight earning a point for his team and winning the second set.

"All right! I'm awesome! Hey, hey, hey!"

"Nice kill!"

Itachiyama - Fukurōdani
25 - 27

So far Itachiyama won the first set and now Fukurōdani won the second set. [F/n] was enjoying the game behind her deadpanned face. She helped gives towels and water to her home team throughout. The third set is about to begin as they changed sides.

"Sakusa, today your fired up more than usual," Iizuna said taking a drink.

"Thank you," Sakusa said.

I think it either because of Mori-san's comment or because she's here, Komori thought as he drank some water.

The whistle blew and the third set began. The ball was received by Fukurōdani and set to Bokuto. This time the Itachiyama blockers closed the course straight. This was received by Komori and passed to the setter. Iizuna sets the ball to Sakusa, spiking the ball with a strong spin. The Fukurōdani's #7 attempt to receive it only to spin out of bounds. Point to Itachiyama.

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