Who are you calling half-pint?

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Third-person POV:

It's currently the half time of the match between Nekoma and Karasuno with Nekoma winning the first set and the managers are handing out the teams their water bottles when a certain brunette can't seem to keep her eyes of Karasuno's number 11 where ever he goes her eyes just seemed to follow. Her stares didn't go unnoticed by the blond, even with his stoic exterior Tsukki couldn't help but feel flattered by the girls stares and could admit to himself that he thought that she was cute with her shortness, warm smile whenever her team managed to score themselves a point or when her eyes sparkled when one of the Karasunos' managers made her laugh. 

Tsukki's POV

That laugh, it's honestly the most adorable thing I've heard! It just makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I didn't know a laugh could be so cute.

"Why are you smiling like that Tsukki? It's creepy!" Tanaka spoke up laughing at his joke about the he ended up making about me, knowing that he was pushing my buttons so I snarling back saying.

"Oh I was just thinking about how much of a joke you are Tanaka, seriously how much of a hot head do you need to be before that big head of yours explodes." I finished snickering, causing Tanaka to blow a fuse and lunge for me but being stopped by Daichi causing me to have a smirk on my face. That's when I heard it, laughter from the comment I had just made about Tanaka, finding the source of the laughter being none other than that half-pint from Nekoma causing my smirk to grow slightly bigger. After the little row between Daichi and Tanaka, we went back on to the court to play the second set, whilst playing I couldn't help but steal a few glances at her seeing that she was looking right back at me, making me want to play harder to be better in this game to show that I'm a good player on this team. I wanted to impress her for some reason which is rather odd as this hasn't had this happen to me before which I found strange. 

After the game, with Nekoma winning the second set as well as the first but ah well I'm not all that bothered if I'm going, to be honest. We started doing a clean up around the gym so we could all finally go home, Hinata and Nekoma's number 7 was talking a bunch of gibberish and for the sake of just thinking out loud, I just asked.

"Does anyone actually know what they're talking about?" That's when Nekoma's number 1, I think his name was Kuroo or something like that ended up responding to my question saying.

"Nah they sound like a couple of toddlers but you know, maybe you should try goofing off every once in a while. Instead of acting so stoic all the time." walking away from him, I responded.

"That's not one of my strong suits." That's when I saw shorty struggling to put something away due to it needing to be on the top shelf and her being too short to reach so I decided to give her a hand whilst teasing her.

Hannah's Pov:

Damn, why do I have to be so short! I'm trying to put away some of the balls that need to be on the top shelf and me being short I can't seem to reach. I was so focused on trying to get them on the shelf I didn't notice Tsukki next to me until he said cockily. 

"Having trouble reaching there Half-Pint?" He finished snickering startling me, I look up at him then back at the shelf, and responded back sassily.

"Who are you calling half-pint? huh?" crossing my arms across my chest and looking away              "If you are going to just stand there and insult me then leave me alone, I'm trying to put these away." He just smirked and told me to moved aside and then started to put the balls away in the basket on the top shelf as he went to leave he gave me a sheet of paper and said 

"You're welcome small fry. I don't normally like most people but you seem kinda cool so here." handing me the piece of paper and then left, leaving me to my thoughts. I take a look at what the jerk face could have given me, then I see that he had given me his number. Wait What?! He's given me his number!! I cannot believe this! I must have gone beet red because Dharma and Neve came over with a concerned look on their faces.

"Hey, are you okay? you look a little red in the face." Dharma asked causing me to snap out my train of thought and explained the interaction I just had between Tsukki and me. Which caused the two of them to short circuit with shock. 

"Wait, so you're telling me that Tsukki gave you his number?! you sure?" Neve exclaimed in disbelief that I was talking about the Tsukki that she knew. I just nodded not knowing what else to say from shock. We all discussed this on the way out of the gym whilst exchanging numbers so we could keep in touch after today. 

Walking out of the gym I felt someone brush past me, looking up from my conversation with Dharma and Neve to see him again with that smug look on his face and muttered a quick 'small fry' under his breath. I just could help but smile and respond with a quick 'beanpole' loud enough for him to hear causing him to smirk and carry on walking with his not as tall friend and then watched the different and weird interactions between the different members of the two teams before getting on our respected buses and heading home. 

Sitting there debating whether or not to send Tsukki a quick 'hey' or something like that. When I received a message from one of the girls telling me that Tsukki's been looking at his phone nonstop since getting on the bus as if he was waiting for something. With that, I decided to take a leap of faith and added his number to my phone then sent a 'What's up Q-Tip?' to which I quickly got a 'Hey there, pip-squeak.' This is going to be interesting I can already tell.

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