fuck everything

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Soo...Where to start? How about when my last living relative commits suicide? Or when I got fired from my job? Or how I no longer have any money left to pay my therapists? I've already run out of anti-depressants and my sosoipathic tendencies are returning as are the urges.


It's about 12:34pm and I'm picking up the last of my belongings. I have no money in my bank account so I've been unable to pay rent for my apartment meaning I've been evicted from the property. I step outside the apartment and hand the keys to the landlord. the fucker she is. She knew you were stuck and took the opportunity to get rid of you. Your mind starts to wonder but you force yourself back to reality. "Have fun looking for another place to live~"
She has that smug smile on her face. You feel Yourself growing in rage and as you walk past her you whisper in her ear "Keep your eyes open, Fireheart, Keep your ears pricked, Keep looking behind you, Because one day I'll find you, and then you'll regret the day you decided to fuck with me~"
You hear her choke a bit on her saliva and, satisfied with the given reaction, you leave the building. You remember your therapist constantly saying to you that you need to control yourself....but.."that felt good" you mutter to yourself. You crack up a smile and snicker to yourself as you set of on a new life."fuck everything. I'm done playing by society's rules." You think to yourself  it's time to make a come back...I wonder if anyone missed me.


You settle your rucksack in an empty alleyway and begin rummaging through your belongings till you come across a (any colour) hooded cape along with a (any colour) mask with a glowing face (any style face). You smile to yourself as you come across what would look like a small metal pole. You trace your fingers over the cold metal until you find a small button. Pressing this the pole slowly began to change  size and shape to reveal a very sharp scythe. Your smile widens "hehe ha! The reaper is back fuckers~ and he's thirsty for blood...


This is just a kind of intro to the story you meet mr afton in the next part soo-

One and the same (william afton x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now