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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" Came a chorus of yells as the Black family entered the Burrow.
Charlie, Bill and Fleur, Harry, Ron, Teddy, Ginny, Luna and Hermione were all smiling at the woman and her daughters.
Willow ducks behind her mother, peeking out around her legs. Her twin, however, Charlotte ran forward to give Molly a tight hug, chattering excitedly to anyone who would listen. As the afternoon unfurled, Willow became more comfortable, moving between Erica, Charlie and Ginny, Charlotte ran about wildly, giggling and talking animatedly with everyone. Dancing about clumsily, tripping and stumbling and causing anyone who set eyes on her to chuckle affectionately.

Suddenly the room went quiet, a wave of shushing and whispering swept through the room as Ginny came in holding a blue flower shaped cake with ten candles flickering on top. The crowd began to sing happy birthday as she placed it on the kitchen table between the two birthday girls.
"Happy Birthday to you..." the song came to an end and everyone one began to clap as Erica stood between Willow and Charlotte, blowing out the candles with them as Luna Lovegood took dozens of photographs.
Erica hurried over to the blonde woman, excited to see what she had produced, she peers over her shoulder before turning to face her, a smile on her face before she presses a soft appreciative kiss to her cheek, wrapping her arms around her waist in a brief hug and hurries off to find her children, both of which she had seen leave the kitchen with Charlie Weasley who: despite trusting with her life, Erica was  hesitant to leave her children's in his hands.
That evening, once the they returned to their cozy cottage home, Erica Black bathed and tucking her daughters into their beds with a kiss to their foreheads and two chapters of Peter Pan, one for each girl.
Just as she was about to retire for the night herself; the fireplace flared up and out tumbled a distraught Ginny.
"Gin! What's wrong?" The dark haired woman gasped, hurrying forward to catch her friend.

After a few moments, Ginny Potter had collected herself and both women were sat on the sofa with generous glasses of fire whiskey on their lips.

"It's Harry and I, it's not working... I thought I loved him but.. now I'm not so sure..." the red head fretted.
Her friend reached out to console her.
"Don't worry Gin, this will sort itself out, just like it did the last time... remember?"
She nodded but her expression remained unconvinced.

Most of a bottle between them, the women lay across the sofa, their limbs entangled when Ginny spoke on the subject again.
"I don't feel anything when I'm with him Eri... it's just.. not there anymore, you know? Perhaps it never was.." she sighed, resting her head delicately on her friends chest.
"Well... he is the only person you've ever been with, properly I mean." Erica smiles sadly, "perhaps you mistook a crush for love, I'm sure it is simply done."
"Perhaps..." Ginny mumbled absentmindedly.
"I-" the porcelain woman began only to be cut off by her friend's lips on hers.
In a semi-drunken haze the kiss intensified, everything around them faded into mere nothingness. Their limbs remained entangled as the red headed woman's lips roamed further, leaving her lover's lips and wandering her jaw, her neck... her chest. As her ebony locks are tucked behind her ear, Erica's chin lifts, exposing her flawless neck to her friends lustful lips. Before long she feels slim, elegant fingers hurriedly undoing her shirt, lips continuing to venture downward as more and more skin is exposed.
"Ginny!" She gasps, lightly squeezing her thighs together as she pulls away briefly from the intoxicating embrace. "The.. the bed room?"  she manages to stutter out, pulling the woman up from the sofa when she nods and, without leaving her lips, stumbling towards the far door.

With a brief flick of her wand Erica placed a silencing charm around the room as both women fell onto her bed. She straddled her friend and kissed down her neck, before pulling off her shirt and kissing down her chest, between her exposed breasts, eliciting short, sweet moans from her mouth as her lips and tongue grazed the woman's freckled skin "Ericcaaa" cried out Ginny in pleasure.

After a few hours, the two women lay bare underneath the light covers of Erica's bed. Ginny Potter's head resting on her friend's stomach, her fingers grazing the sensitive nubs of the woman's chest. Her own chest still rising and falling in short, quick gasps, recovering slowly from the evenings experiences. He blue eyed woman rakes her delicate fingers through the auburn hair that fans out across her taunt stomach.

Life After Death - An Erica Black Continuation (4)Where stories live. Discover now