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"Inazuma Japan has officially won the Football Frontier International!!! Their victory in the postponed match against Russia made them reach the top of the world. Inazuma Japan is also known for having majority of its members in the team, who's name we were begged not to mention, that won against the Shadow of Orion! Look at that, the team must be on cloud 9 right now, and I bet their friends and family back home can't wait to see them again and congratulate them!"


"It's all prepared sir." a man says. "Good," said the other man, who seemed to be the boss, as his emerald green eyes shone in the dull room. "Begin Operation Alpha" he continued.

                                                                        A MONTH LATER


Mark, Axel, Jude, Nathan and Jack were outside the original clubroom. "I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEW MEMBERS TO JOIN!" Mark shouted in his usual over-enthusiastic way. "Yeah, besides this is our final year so we have to end it with a big splash." Jude added. Axel and Nathan nodded in agreement before they left to put up flyers written: "TRY-OUTS FOR THE SOCCER CLUB: WEDNESDAY AFTER SCHOOL!!! LET'S PLAY SOCCER!!!"


"I'm finally here!" a boy with sandy brown, beach wave hair, fair skin-tone, sky blue eyes wearing the Raimon uniform and a wide smile on his face said. "Raimon Jr.!!! I can't wait to start!!!" he exclaimed before running in. Not far away, a girl with long, flowing strawberry-blonde hair, dark skin-tone, emerald green eyes behind blue framed glasses, wearing the Raimon uniform with an orange bow, smiled when she saw the over-enthusiastic boy and headed in.


The young vibrant teacher walked into the class filled with first-years with a smile on her visage and said, "Good morning everyone! I will be you're teacher this year. My name is Madam Trisha. I know you're all new here so I would like all of you to introduce yourselves. Let's start with you," she said pointing to a navy blue haired boy at the front corner of the class.


The final bell rings and the students rush out of their classes. The sandy-haired boy, Ryan Sean, ran as fast as he could and headed to his favorite place: The riverbank. He had earlier seen the soccer try-outs poster and wanted to practice as much as he could so that he could join the team. He started with some warm-ups then took his place in the field and began his practice.

Not far from there, the blond-haired girl, Brianna Rose, was watching him in awe. She had never seen anyone so determined. His skills were amateur but he didn't care, he just kept on playing. Ryan waved at her when he noticed a Raimon student watching. She waved back and walked toward the field.

"Are you a professional player?" she asked once she got there.

"No but it's my dream to become one," he replied" Now I 'm just practicing for the try-outs to join the Raimon Soccer Club. Did you hear about them? I really want to get in, that way I can compete with all those strong teams!!!" he blabbered on.

"You seem like the chatty type, Ryan," she chuckled. "What position do you play?"

"I'm a Defender, and how do you know my name?"

"We're in the same class and when you introduced yourself, you kinda fumbled around so your intro was one to remember,"


"Next," Madam Trisha said indicating the next student to introduce themselves.

Ryan stood, " O-ok, I-I'm R-Ryan Sean. I-I-I l-love playing s-soccer and I'm eager to make friends."

                                                             End of flashback.

"Oh..." he chuckled nervously, "Well, talking in front of a lot of people is not what I'm used to, Brie...Bre....Br-"

"Brianna." She corrected. "Well I don't want to be the reason you didn't practice, so see ya."

She walked away and Ryan went back to practicing.


"Bring Jacob Steel in," said the green-eyed man, sitting in a large chair, to his assistant.

A few minutes later, a boy with slightly messy black hair and dark brown eyes walks in and kneels in front of the man, "You called for me, sir?"

"Yes. The plan is set in motion. I hope your team is ready."

"Of course, sir. We have been preparing for the past five months. I assure you, you won't be disappointed."

"Good." He said finally letting some light shine across his face so that his fair skin and black hair, with a few streaks of grey are seen.


So that's it!!! Chapter 1!!!

So you know the way in all the IEs there usually is this pattern of there being 3 protags(the soccer lover, the striker and the playmaker), So I decided,'Hey, why not make my characters like that?' So...

The soccer lover(Mark, Arion, Sonny) is Ryan Sean.

The striker(Axel, Victor, Elliot) is Jacob Steel.

The playmaker(Jude, Riccardo, Heath) is Brianna Rose.

So.....yeah! :)

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