Y/n: You're right...it was me...

Miki looked at me with wide eyes. She must've excepected anything but not me dating Taehyung. She looked at the photo once again and gasped loudly.

Miki: I knew it! It was you! I had doubted earlier about this! Oh my God...MY SISTER IS DATING KIM TAEHYUNG!!!! OH MAN HOLY COW!!!!

Y/n: Yah!!!!!!!

I jumped on her closing her mouth from shouting any louder.

Y/n: Are you nuts?! Why are you screaming?!

Miki: I need a second to think...oh my gosh...

Y/n: Take your time...

Miki: Last night, you went to meet him-...

Y/n: for a date. He gave me a card holder to meet him.

I took out my cardholder and showed it to her.

Y/n: Then...we had walked and talked a lot...he...he wanted me to...

I blushed thinking about last night.

Miki: Geez spill the tea!

Y/n: He wanted me to be his future girlfriend and his children's mother!

She looked at me as if her eyeballs were coming out.

Miki: he really said that?....he confessed?

Y/n: Yeah we both confessed and ....kissed....

Miki: Wah your first kiss was worth it.

She said proudly.

Y/n: Actually second kiss....

Miki: Who tf you kissed when you had Taehyung in front of you?!

Hah! Only if you know what happened sissy!

Y/n: Aish let me finish! My first kiss was Taehyung too! He kissed me on that Korean festival!

Miki: And you're saying this to me now?!

Y/n: I wasn't ready to tell you about it.

She sighed.

Miki: I wonder what's happening in the agency...

Y/n: Let me call him and know.

I took my phone and dialled his number.

Miki: You have his number too?!

Y/n: Mhmm...

In the agency*
Author POV,

Namjoon: Taehyung what is this?

All of them gathered in the company meeting room including BTS and bang PD Nim. Everyone saw that photo and there was no way that it was fake. On the other hand Taehyung not answering anything making their suspension turn stronger.

Jin: Taehyung please tell us... everyone is asking this. Who was that girl?

Hoseok: She's the girl from the Korean festival, right?

Everyone bombered him with questions. Taehyung kept silent all the time. He was afraid... afraid that bang pd Nim would deny this relationship between them. She might be a distraction for him in his career. He was too afraid to let her go. Everyone has the right to fall in love and be with the person he wants.

Bang PD: Taehyung-ssi you know you can tell us. I know it might be difficult for us to let you guys date. But for you guys I could make it exceptional. You can freely date anyone you want. I won't be interfering in your way.

Jungkook: it means I can date too?!

He asked enthusiastically showing his bunny smile.

Jin: Yah jungkook grow up first!

Bang PD: Boys quiet. I shouldn't have forbade you guys to date anyone. But I'll change it today and now. You can date anyone you want. But that doesn't mean you'll fool around with any random girls.

Namjoon: Understood.

Yoongi: Taehyung say something...

He said patting his shoulders.

Me: Bang PD Nim...I can date her...?

Bang PD: Yes you can!

Me: You sure?

His eyes gleamed with hope and happiness.

Bang PD: yah do you want me to withdraw my decision?!

Me: of course no!

All of them laughed as bang PD Nim took his leave leaving those 7 dorks jumping in happiness.

Hoseok: Finally my alien is going to date!!!

He said giving Taehyung a tight hug.

Me: I thought he wouldn't agree.

Namjoon: how could he not? We don't adore him for no reason of course!

Me: Let me call her and let her know.

But before he could call Y/n called him instead.

Jimin: "My babygirl" huh?

He said teasingly nudging me as all of them jumped to look at my phone and cheered and whooed.

Me: Shut up guys! Let me take the call before it get declined.

I accepted the call and held it to my ear.

Jimin: On loud speaker please taetae!

Me: Ugh fine...

I held my phone in loud speaker and spoke.

Me: hello Y/n...


To be continued
Hope you have fun reading it 😘

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