The Holly Hock World

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Now a days, they used to say, "in the future," everything has changed.  You aren't allowed to visit your loved ones if they are older than you or younger than you.  You have to live with people your same age.  I am sixteen years old and I, am Jonquil Carman.  


Chapter 1

When I wake up, I lift my heavy head up from my pillow.  Looking around the small room.  I sleep in large bed, the size of a queens.  The hotel for sixteen year old people is very rich in every room.  Before all the bad things happened, I lived with my family, and my little sister, Rose.  Rose is thirteen years old.  She has dirty blonde hair, and dark blue eyes.  Everybody in Holly Hock has a name of a flower, even our city.  But you see, we aren't aloud to leave Holly Hock.  The only people you can visit is your family.  But unfortunately my father died.  He died from the mayor and them.  They killed him because he was running away from Holly Hock because he needed to go find a flower to cure my mother, who was sick with a disease.  My daddy got shot in the heart because he was trying to save my mother.  He taught me how to do practically anything.  But when the mayor came to our house he told us our father got shot for crossing the land.  I told my mother I was leaving to go in the woods to get her the Oleander flower that will only cure her.  She begged me not to go, but I knew I could make it, I would go out their with my best friend, Lotus.  We would like to go and just talk.  We weren't aloud to see each other since he wasn't aloud to.  A lot of girls liked him and were jealous of me being his best friend.  He was pretty cute though.  He has blonde hair, emerald green eyes.  He was tall and muscular, and was always standing there by my side.  Sometimes I would sneak over to his land to visit him, even though I wasn't aloud to, and if I ever got caught, they'd do this thing where they put on a bracelet that tracks you.

I was still had my head up just thinking about Lotus.  I threw my legs over my bed into my soft, sheep skin, slippers.  I got on my white robe and walked out of my room to go have brunch.  Since we only have a bed and bathroom in our hotel, we go to have brunch everyday near the lobby.  I walked down the swirl staircase down to the lobby.  I don't have that much friends but I am the best athlete in my hotel for a sixteen year old.  I saw my best friend, not Lotus, but Maple.  She is my only friend as a girl.  "Hey sleepy head!  How did you sleep, more nightmares?"  Maple asked.  "Not the best, I just had a weird dream," I said.  I could barely balance my head because it was too wobbly from my sleep.  "What was it about?" I got some pancakes from the waiter and got some water.  I sat next to Maple and stared at her for about two seconds until I answered.  "Well, it started off, I was heading over to Lotus's," I paused, trying to think about what I dreamt.  "Yeah, go on."  I took a bite of my pancakes and a sip of my water.  I grabbed my syrup and put it on my pancakes.  "I got caught, and they put this bracelet that tracks me down everywhere I go, and that is all I remember," I told her.  I finished my first pancakes and started eating my next one.  "Wow, thats scary," Maple said.  I finished my pancakes and water and handed it to the waiter.  "Here you go!" I said, when I handed it to him.  I don't know why but, the waiters aren't aloud to talk, if they do, they get some way of a punishment.  "Yeah," I said not knowing what to say.  Maple likes Lotus's friend, Filbert.  He was pretty cute but I still thought Lotus was cuter.  I looked up at her, she was staring at her food in disgust.  "Whats wrong with your food?" I asked.  She looked up at me and put her elbow on the table still holding her fork.  "This has Pineapple in it!" She yelled across the room even though I was sitting right there.  "Uh-oh."  Maple is allergic to pineapple!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2011 ⏰

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