Li Manor

"Achoo!" Mai sneezed, wiping her nose with a napkin while she munched at a piece of drumstick.

"I wonder who's thinking about me" she stated thoughtfully, shrugging as she continued to eat the large platter of drumsticks in her lap while her personal hand maid shaked her head in disapproval to her master's behavior.

Royal Palace; Butterfly Pavilion

"One more!" the empress cheered as she poured his cup to the brim with trembling hands, spilling a few droplets of liquor here and there.

"My lady I think this is enough, you're quite drunk yourself" he whispered, gulping down the heavy liquor from his cup in one go, savoring the burning feeling of it going down his throat.

"Oh hush now, I can drink more!" the empress stated, her voice getting a little sloppy and she wasn't staring at him but at the pillar on the wall, making him sigh. He waved his hand, calling the attention of the empress servants to come fetch the empress and get her back to the palace safely.

The servants hurriedly obeyed, bowing their head apologetically at him before grabbing the empress on carefully, steadying her before the servants carried her out while she mumbled incoherent words that sounded like asking to refill his cup and go for another round. He slowly looked down, rubbing his stomach and feeling the liquids inside shake making him grimace.

'Even if the empress asked for another jar of liquor, I still won't be drunk' Jin thought almost feeling a little proud of himself. He carefully stood up from his seat, ordering one of the servants that serves his sister to clean up the mess while he go and drain the liquids in his bladder... secretly, cause he may need to pretend and act as a woman but he will never use the toilet the way a woman does, unless it was an emergency.

As Jin finished emptying his bladder, he made his way to the garden, he enjoyed his walk towards there, the floral scent of each individual flowers so calming and the peace and tranquility it provides helped clear his made and made it easier to think on what steps to make as he execute his plans, the sole reason he was here.

Thinking about it, it has just been a day and it may take quite some time so he needs to stay alert at all times, specially when he's around other consorts and concubines. His thoughts slowly came to the time he spent with the empress, her teasings, playful banters and the emotions in her eyes were genuine and those things brought a smile to his face. Knowing that there are some people that her sister trusted and it was none other than the empress herself which made it even more surprising because of the fact that the last time he encountered the empress was when....

His mind suddenly drifted on a distant memory and he tried to blink it away, keeping it locked inside the deepest depths of his mind.

'I don't have time to think about those past, I need to focus on my revenge for my beloved sister' and that thought brought him back to his plan again when-

"My love, you're finally back!" a deep husky voice spoke from behind startling Jin, almost making him jump a few feet off the ground.

He clutched his beating heart as he tried to shake off the shock that came along with whoever just sneaked behind him.

'That's the second time I didn't notice someone's presence' it felt odd to Jin but that wasn't the problem right now. The voice that spoke behind him sounded familiar. Infact, it was so familiar he almost didn't wanna believe it even when he already knew who it was.

"Emperor..?" He asked, voice small almost like a whisper as he turned to face the person behind him.

His gut wasn't wrong as the face of the man he dreaded to see finally came to view. Xian Khang, previous crown prince now emperor. Born from the late emperor and current empress dowager. His one and only rival since childhood.

The emperor stood in all it's glory, a wide harmless grin plastered on his face but to Jin's mind it looked like a venomous sneer.

"My love?" The emperor spoke again, making Jin's ears hurt even when it wasn't that loud. But that wasn't what made him frown, it was the fact that the way the emperor refered to him, or his sister almost made his jaw fall to the floor.

His what now!?

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