The Adventures of dating One Direction

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"Why me?" That's my favorite quote from Neville Longbottom in 'Harry Potter'. I have all the books, and all the movies. I have read all the books more than 20 times, and I have watched the movies more than 10. What can I say? I am in love with Harry Potter.Hey, at least I'm not a One Direction fanatic like my best friend, Amanda Green. The names Barkley, Clair Barkley. I have long,black hair that curls into little ringlets,and large green eyes.  

Amanda has long dark brown hair which is super curly and bright blue eyes. We have a You Tube channel called, CBAG. I play the guitar and the violin, and I can sing. Amanda can dance really well and play the piano. I love to read. I read anytime I can. That's part of the reason I was pronounced Queen nerd at school. That stupid jock, Justin Fletcher, pronounced that three days ago, just before Christmas break. He caught me reading the Lord of the Rings series in study hall. That was another reason I was a nerd. I love reading fantasy books. Other reasons I was a nerd, is that I hate watching TV, I only use my android tablet to read and write books, I'm not that much into One Direction (even though I have to admit, the Irish one is kinda cute) I remember when Justin (the jock) pronounced that glasses were for nerds only, and the most popular girl at school, Anna George, ran into the loo just to put contacts in. I mean, how pathetic is *that*?! I still laugh about it today. I don't even bother putting contacts in, being that I'm already a nerd. Anyway, when I got home from school I went straight up to my room and started to re-read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when I heard the doorbell ring.  

"Clair! Clair, honey, its Amanda!" 

"Alright!" I yelled back at my mum.  

Amanda came bouncing happily into my room, a large grin on her face. 

"What are you so happy about?" I asked. 

Amanda didn't say anything, she just came in and sat next to me on my bed, still smiling. 

"Come on Mandy, really, your freaking me out..." 

Just then, my mum came running into my room, with a smile on her face as large as Amanda's. 

"I got you girls tickets to One Direction! *And backstage passes!*" My mum yelled. 

Amanda squealed and said: "Your mum was so kind as to let me go along with you and your mum, for your birthday!" 

I sat there, my eyes wide. I mean, the concert shouldn't be so bad, but *backstage passes to meet the boys?!* now, that's just too much. I acted happy though, and I said: 

"Thanks so much mum, but, how did you afford these?!" 

"Well, sadly we didn't win the lottery, but your father and I saved up money for two years, and we finally had enough to buy three tickets! But, only two backstage, you and Amanda will get to meet the boys while I wait outside." 

"Yeah, and, no snogging back there girls." My dad said, walking up to my bedroom door. 

"*Dad!* Im not going to be snogging One Direction and neither will Mandy!" I yelled. 

Dad chuckled and walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at mum. 

"Thanks mum. Really, this is great!"  

"Your welcome, sweetheart. Anything for your seventeenth birthday." Mum replied, throwing the tickets and passes on the bed. "Oh, and the concert is tonight!" Mum added as she walked downstairs. 

"Isnt this *great?!* I mean, tickets *and* backstage passes!" Mandy gasped. "You should wear that new outfit of yours! I mean, you *have* to dress amazingly! One Directions the *best* band in all of England!" 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Dec 22, 2012 ⏰

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