Chapter 2: Discusion

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Warning ¡Swearing!

Dave woke up to a medium sized room, the walls were white and the floor and ceiling black. A guard walked into the room apparently having seen him wake up. Another guard followed, they then began to question Dave

"Why were you there?"

"I was looking for someone."

"Do you know him?" The guard asked, pointing to one of the corners of the room. Dave turned to see that the guard had gestured to Toby, whom he had not seen before.

"No I do not." Dave could only hope that Toby understood what he was trying to do by lying.

The guard nodded and asked Toby.  "Why were you there?"

"I got curious after hearing him yell." Toby replied, seeming to have understood why Dave had lied.

"Alright." The guards both walked out of the room and started talking. At some point getting loud enough for the duo inside the room to hear.

"We should turn them."

"Are you crazy? You saw what it did to the last guy."

"I did, plus this could be an opportunity to change it and test it."

And at that Dave was fuming, advancing on the guards. "What the hell? We are not going to be your guinea pigs for whatever the fuck your doing here. Let us go!" He yelled at them before taking a swing at one of the guards.

My hands hurt and I'm tired to write anything more tonight so chapter 3 will be published tomorrow.
- Smoke

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