Treasure in Plain Sight

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The brothels of Liyue are hidden in plain sight, seamlessly blending in with the rest of the harbor shops but easily spotted by anyone with a sharp eye. None of them are marked by any distinctive factors, but it is this forced sense of normalcy that reveals their true nature: for all these supposed "shops" that pose in the streets of Liyue without any identifying nameplates hanging from the roof are the regional brothels, a fact only known to locals and the most informed of travelers.

Childe usually takes the trouble to steer clear of these prostitution houses.

If asked, he'd say that it's because his time is better spent gathering information for the Tsaritsa. He'd deliver a short speech on his devotion to the woman, all fluff and pure theatrics, with the end notion being that indulging in the whores of Liyue is a waste of time, that the Eleventh Harbinger has better things to do.

This is a lie.

A beautiful lie, delivered from smiling lips that will compel anyone to believe them, but a lie nonetheless.

The truth is that Childe avoids them out of self-preservation—because Liyuen whores are like Mondstadt wine: there's always more to be had, and one can never have enough. Childe steers clear of their ranks out of fear for himself, fear for what might happen if a man of his rank begins to favor a common whore. Such a thing could only end in disaster for both him and the prostitute in question, and so he rarely lets anyone into his life, refusing to let his own power and influence serve as a stepping stool for someone else's stratagems.

It's because of this that when Childe sees you approach, he immediately changes his direction and increases his pace.

He can tell that you're a prostitute the moment he spots you on the other side of the street. It's obvious in the way you walk, your pace marked by a languid rhythm that makes you look enchanting as you stroll. The small steps you take only add to the image, creating the illusion that you're gliding rather than walking. And though such a thing is certainly a skill that anyone could master with enough practice, the color and fabric of your robe tell Childe that you're nothing like those surrounding you on the street, the cloth almost seeming to shimmer under the orange lights of Liyue—every inch of it spun from an expensive silk that only prostitutes who wish to catch the eyes of everyone around them would dare wear, the stark red of your outfit so striking that even Childe pauses to stare.

Ordinarily, he wouldn't care. The men and women of Liyue are free to pick whichever occupation they want, and Childe is the last person who would judge them for such a thing. He doesn't look down on prostitutes, merely avoids them.

But it's painfully clear, as you round the corner and shoot a seductive smile at Childe, that you're here for him.

He tears his gaze away from you to flee from the scene.

Childe's pace is brisk as he climbs the winding stairs of Liyue, consciously choosing a path he thinks will slow you down. He enters every crowd he finds and weaves through them in the most confusing manner possible, ducking his head and even slipping into an alley at one point until he's safe in front of his usual post at the Northland Bank.

The man glances behind him at the way he came, holding his breath while his eyes scan for even a glimpse of the red silk robe he caught you wearing. When he sees nothing, he breathes a small sigh of relief, turning around to—

"Hello, Master Childe."

It is a testament to Childe's sense of self-control that he manages not to flinch when he hears your voice, sultry and sweet, call out from in front of him.

Of course, the redhead thinks. Of course, you would go straight here instead of following the elaborate trail he left. Practically everyone in Liyue knows that this is the one spot the redhead always returns to.

Treasure in Plain Sight (Childe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now