Chapter 2: The Womennizer

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In Erika cottage house

     Freya was whinnying in her corral. —What a noisy horse.— Erika sits on her bed and stretch her arms letting out a frustrating sigh, then she got out of her bed still with her night gown and put some sandals on, walking with a bucket fill with food for her horse. — Can't you see that I'm tired? — Freya kept on whinnying and looking in her corral.

Horses are known to feel or see things that the human eye can't see. Erika open the corral letting the horse run out of it. She inspects the corral and saw tiny foot prints, she sighs and look around. —Come out, come out where ever you are.— She says looking around and from the corner of her eyes, there they are. —Fae, you are far away from home.— Erika says, inspecting how tiny they were, it's been ages since she saw one of them. The fae fly pass by her. —We are passing by, we are not here to cause trouble. — she nods and let them fly  out without harming them. —have a save trip back home.— She waved at them.
—Our home were burn down...—. They turn around to look at her. —They know that we exist... we are in danger.— They say, a part of Erika start hurting, being a witch is part of her duty to protect all living creatures. —Let's make a deal...— The fae got closer to her. —You guys can stay, in return you most protect my home, and it will be your home too, but no pranking around, got it?— The fae nod and hide around the corral. —Oh and don't mess with my horse!— she filled Freya buckets with food and walk back inside her house. Bringing water from the well to filled her bath, turning on the fire that helps the water to get warm. Humming the witches song as she takes her gown off, the fae bring flowers and put it in the hot water and left, Erika didn't say anything she just took a long bath and relax her body.

     Minute later she was already out of the bath getting dress, she needed more food she was running out, she grab her bag and enough money to buy food, she walks out and whistle to call Freya, the horse came running to her. —I'm leaving, I'll be back soon.— she said, looking at the house, somewhere around was fae, they heard her, and Erika flee to town.

Today the town was really crowed, Erika tries to be fast to get out of there. —Please three apples.— The lady handed her the apples, she paid and walk away to get more food. A commotion started in the central where the most famous coffee shop is, she walks up to where the bustling was and spotted the king, her eyes shine in excitement, walk up to an abandoned alley and use the same spell to change her clothes to look more decent, she looked like if she was the daughter of a well known duke. The people was pushing to see the king, she got in the middle of the crowd and got push so hard falling on her knees, almost in front of the king, his majesty immediately approach her to help her.

— M-my king, you don't have to do this...— She says cleaning her dress and looking up at the king, he smiled at her, and help her clean. —Is a pleasure to help a young beautiful lady.— Erika giggle and bow at him. — May I know your name?— He ask her, holding her hand. She gives him a flirty look. — I'm Anastasia, my king.— He kissed her knuckle. —May you join me in this beautiful morning?, Miss Anastasia.— I bow politely. —Yes my king.— She held on to his arm and walk in the famous coffee shop with the king by her side. All the ladies started to muffle words, but I didn't care enough to listen to them.

The King was well known for his affairs with women's around the Kingdom. —My king what bring you to this coffee shop?— She asks him. — I heard this place is famous for its sweets, and I came to see if its real.— He chuckles grabbing her hand playfully. —I came to buy ingredients, you see, I love to bake, it's my hobby.— She smiled at him, and he look at her surprise. —Oh my! Not half of the women I know, know how to cook.— Erika laugh trying not to punch him. — Oh my king, every women have and different hobby.—

She says and lean forward to him, she was going for his ring. But a loud bang was heard in the place. "My king come quickly!" The Riddle brother were there, she needs to get out of there fast, she slept with one of the brothers. —Miss Anastasia! Let's get out of here!— She says grabbing her hand while she leads the way out of the restaurant, The Riddle Brothers were after the king.

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