That shit people call "love"

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Childe is such an idiot but I think pretty much everyone in existence already knew that so let's not elaborate on that further than we already did.  

Unlike Scaramouche who thankfully possessed more than one functional brain cell, Childe had forgotten to take the necessary precautions. You see, visions are rather peculiar things and their effects can also harm the user themselves if given the right conditions. There are many reactions caused by visions like melt, overload, electro-charge, burn, vaporize, crystallize, superconduct, freeze and swirl. 

Considering Snezhnaya and it's climate, Childe's vision is not only a blessing but a curse. The freezing air and water don't usually go hand in hand. You may accidentally freeze yourself if you are not careful...

Or you might have to spend an entire day in bed, sick and half-conscious with a high running fever. 

And of course, this annoying duty of letting Childe know that the Tsaritsa has a request of him is oh so gracefully bestowed upon Scaramouche. Why is he always the one left with dealing with this bastard again? If it was not for Tsaritsa's direct request, he would have even considered pushing this duty on one of his underlings but as the Tsaritsa directly requested this of him, there is no way Scaramouche can even consider thinking of such thing now.

With a defeated look and one last glare thrown to La Signora who was smirking at him, he left the palace of Zapolyarny. He looked at the piece of paper given to him once more, the directions to Childe's house should be written here but did the eleventh harbinger really live so far away? Perhaps that was why Childe chooses to usually stay in the hotel Tsaritsa provided to them.


It took perhaps thirty minutes or so for Scaramouche to arrive at the front door of the house, the snow crunches under his boots. Though he still wore his unusual hat, the rest of his clothing was suited for the weather, unlike Childe. Well, there was a reason Scaramouche did not get sick and Childe did despite both of them fighting in that snowy mountain. Well... perhaps Childe being basically soaking wet by the end of the battle due to his vision might have affected it a bit but... still. 

Scaramouche still remembered Childe almost fainting when he dragged the other back to safety. Normally, a few rain guards are no problem but Childe just had to prove to Scaramouche yet again how big of an idiot he was by not only getting soaking wet but also not wearing correct apparel to the snowy weather. Childe better thank Scaramouche for not letting him die of hypothermia back there. Childe always said things like, 'If we don't keep moving, we'll freeze to death!' whenever he got impatient yet when it actually came to it he was just so... so careless! It made Scaramouche want to beat Childe to death.

Scaramouche felt his chest tighten all of a sudden and scowled, why did remembering the shallow breaths Childe took had such an effect on him? Why did the weak pulse make him panic back then?  

Perhaps he should've just let Childe die back there. 

Would that make this awful feeling go away? Would seeing Childe's frozen corpse make the aching deep down stop? Scaramouche stops and thinks about it for a second with a frustrated look on his face. 

He was about to conclude some sorts when suddenly the door he stood in front of flung open. A little boy with a brown and white bomber hat and a freckled face that resembled Childe a bit too much for comfort. The blue eyes looked up to Scaramouche, making him feel weird as he wasn't used to people looking up to him- literally, not figuratively, of course. Still, it was a nice change. 

The boy chirped at the sixth harbinger, "You must be the work friend big brother talks about all the time! My big brother is the best toy seller in all of Snezhnaya! He makes many Mr Cyclops and other toys! Are you a great toy seller like him too?" the boy seems to be very young, so Scaramouche doubted that he was lying but making all of that up in his own head didn't seem too likely either. Many children in Snezhnaya learned of the Tsaritsa and her harbingers, about the harsh reality, at a young age. Why did this kid seem blissfully ignorant? 

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