Chapter 1: The Thieves

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Forest Cascia

     It was in the middle of winter, every one in town was excited to celebrate the solstice, my mother was talking to her friend Madison Stone, she was married to a half elf, a very happy couple. My mother let me go to play with the other children around the town, it was safe, witches live here, they all protect the children. I spotted my friend watching the fire folks dancing around him, I took the chance to scared him.

—I'm going to suck your soul; roar!— Timmy let out a scream and the fire folks fade away. I was laughing while my friend was on the ground, scared to death.

—Bloody hell! This is not funny, now my clothes are all stain with mud.— Timmy looked at me furious.

—You are going to pay for this!— He started running following me around, I was laughing while running away from him.

—Kiddos don't run around the snow, it's slipper!— Granny Jennings shouted at us, but there's when I slipped, falling to the ground and Timmy stumble over me both slipping over the concrete and bump into a little mountain of snow, we were laughing as more kids approaches us to join our game.

Midnight was getting closer. Everything was magical... Until they come.

13 years later.

In a Duke palace

     In thecapitall of Satbury, here is where all the riches and thief live together in one place.

—Hurry up, Puckett!... Somebody can come in any minute!— Nicholas was guarding the door while Jennie Puckett is stuffing her bag more than she should, she's new at this.

—If you are going to steal, make sure you steal enough!— She responded to Nicki.

—Sweet heart, if you don't hurry up, I might fill your mind, because that's the only thing that is empty right now. Now, let's go.— Erika said to Puckett, the new girl stood straight and walk up to Erika, annoyed by her attitude.

—You think you're funny? I'll cut that tongue of yours.— she grabbed her knife out and showed it to Erika, trying to show her that she was not bluffing .

—Oh sweetheart, this tongue only speaks the truth. My apologies if I offended you, but guess what, you don't scare anybody with that childish face of yours.—

Nicholas as amusing he was with the situation, was trying to calm them down. —Well dear Erika, you are not the prettiest here either.—

Nicholas was getting irritated . —Well at least I have a brain.— Nicholas  shout at them, they look at him startle. —That's enough! We need to go, the duke is coming!—. Nicholas grabbed Puckett bag and slammed it on her chest.

—Stop this nonsense right now and let's get the hell out of here.—. He walked to the window and check to see if there is no guard guarding that area. —It's more saver to go out of the window, less guard on this side of the duke palace.— Erika put her stuff in her bag, she stole diamonds and rings, worth to exchange it for money.

—Well guys, see you at the inn.— Erika walked to the door. —And make sure you don't get caught.—. She walked out of the room closing  the door. —Is she out of her mind?! going through the entrance like that?!— Puckett said without believing it.

—Well at least she know what she's doing, not like certain someone.— Glaring once more at her, he jump out of the window. Puckett didn't understand what Nicholas what he said.
—What do you mean?!— she follow him out the window.

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