Chapter 34 - The Audition

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you're an angel" I said not pulling away.

"Erm, Liv, you're talking to me, not a mirror" he said wrapping his arms around my waist. 

Two boys down, one more to go.

I was walking in the courtyard and since it was just before curfew, there were fewer students roaming around. I was pacing around in a secluded corner of the courtyard, thinking who to say no to.

Both of them were important to me, Ced and I are definitely close and if he had confessed his feelings, we might've been in a relationship, but Draco... He saved me from the intruder, if he hadn't, then Merlin knows what would've happened. I stopped to take a breather, when a hand grabbed me by my waist and mouth covered, so that I wouldn't shout. I could recognize the smell from anywhere.

I didn't try to free myself from his grip. He pulled me all the way to the dungeons and into his common room. He didn't stop like I thought he would, he took me to his bedroom, what is he gonna do? When we reached, he dropped his hands from my mouth and waist. I sighed.

He kept his personal dorm or shall I say, bedroom, pretty clean; I took a minute or two to see his room, he had a king size bed, dark green walls, silk sheets, a chandelier on the ceiling, a personal library and his own en-suite. Great, I have to use the lavatory and he gets his own en-suite.

"It is true?" he asked as he sat down on his bed, he was calm for 'Draco', which kinda scared me. He patted on his side of the bed, ushering for me to sit. I sat down letting a big huff out. I let my back relax on his mattress. I don't know why or how, but it felt comfortable - he felt comfortable. 

"Depends on what you're asking" I said looking up at the ceiling. He came closer and asked calmly, "What is it?"

I sat up straight and looked at him, "People have been calling me a-a s-slut, because four guys asked me" I stuttered.

"WHAT?" he yelled standing up. I pulled him down to sit next to me, stopping him to do anything irrational.

"Who started it?" he asked and I lied, "I don't know" I knew who started it, Pansy. But if I was to reject Draco, I needed him to go with Pansy, because if he didn't get a date, then I'd had to go with him, because technically, he asked me first. He sighed and said, "So, what did you decide?"

"I said no to Harry and Rafael" and he smiled at my sentence.

"So, it's me and Diggory, huh?" he asked. I shook my head.

"When you pulled me from the courtyard, I had already made a decision. Draco, I mean this in the sweetest way possible, if I go with you, then people will not stop teasing you. You have a reputation to maintain, don't you? And when they find out that you are going with a 'mudblood', then..."

"You're not a muggleborn, Olivia" he said politely, placing his hand on my thigh. I sighed at his touch.

"I know, you know, but the others don't, just go with Parkinson, I'm sure she's dying for you to ask her" He chuckled a little.

"Alright" he said and I looked at him with wide eyes. He agreed? He agreed without causing any scene or creating any fuss?

"What? Don't think that I'll let you go just like that, darling" he said smirking.

"There's the catch. Go on" I said as I stood up from the bed and went to his library.

"You have to do three things" he said coming behind me.

"First, you owe me a dance, both waltz and slow dance" I nodded, not turning around.

Fair enough. 

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