Chapter 12: End of Filming

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^Paige is Madison^
Paige's POV:
Today is the last day of filming for 'Julie and the Phantoms', the whole cast is upset and it's hard to say goodbye to such a special show. I get to set and see Jeremy, and I run and jump on his back.
Jeremy- Hey Pay! *smiles up at her, while laughing*
Paige- *laughs* hey Jer!
Throughout filming I have become so close to all the cast, in different ways. Jeremy was like my older brother, I can talk to him about anything and he is my rock in certain situations. Also his wife is like my other mother, she's so sweet, and cares for me so much.
Jeremy- what's up, you okay? *he asked worriedly*
Paige- calm down Jer I'm fine. Just missed you
Jeremy- aww I missed you to, are you going to hair and makeup?
Paige- yeah, you?
Jeremy- yep I'll carry you there.
Jeremys POV:
I am giving Paige a piggy back ride and she grabs my phone and starts going on my social media. It's funny now that I think about mine and Paige's relationship. My wife, Carolynn, cares for her more than anything, when she first met Paige, Paige wouldn't leave her alone. I thought Carolynn would get annoyed but she never did. Now me and Carolynn and like second parents to Paige. You would also think Carolynn would get mad or jealous that Paige is all over me, but no, we explained Paige's situation and that made Carolynn love the girl more. Paige is the only other girl who is allowed to be this close to me and it's one of my favorite things. I look at my phone and see she's texting Josh off my phone, while giggling.
Jeremy- hey stinker, why are you texting Josh?
Paige- *giggles* he thinks I'm you
Jeremy- yeah cause you have my phone silly! oh no, what are you texting?!?
Paige- he asked for advice to ask Charli out, and I'm giving it to him.
Jeremy- *nods and smiles*
I hear my phone ring and hear Paige gasp
*Paige answers the phone and talks to the person*
Paige- *gasps and screams* CAROLYNN!!!
Carolynn- baby!
Paige- *giggles at the attention*
Carolynn-how are you?
Paige- good, I'm on Jer's back, going to hair and makeup *she says excitedly*
Carolynn- *laughs* that's fun, Jer call me later okay?
Jeremy- yeah sure Care, love you!
Carolynn- love you too, and you too pay!
Paige- bye bye!
End of phone convo
We walk into the makeup trailer and see Charlie. He sees Paige and immediately smiles and picks her up and placed her in her seat. (She's so light we all just pick her up whenever, she also likes physical affection, a lot)
Charlie's POV:
I had just got off the phone with Quinton because he asked me and the other boys to look out for Paige today being as though it's gonna be sad and stressful meaning her anxiety could strike. Once I see Paige and Jeremy I get up and pick her up and place her in her seat. I kiss her forehead.
Charlie- hey Pay.
Paige- hey Lee!! (nickname for CHARLIE G)
I smile at the nickname. Ever since the incident at the sway house I have been more protective over Paige, seeing her that hurt, hurts my heart. She doesn't deserve it, and I feel the need to protect her. You might think Quinton would get jealous of me and Paige but it's the opposite he knows me and Paige would never do that to him, plus Paige adores him and he's my best friend.
Charlie- your happy today..
Paige- yeah I can't wait to sing!
I laugh she's been obsessed with the songs lately.
Charlie- that's great Pay!
Once Owen walks in he goes up to talk to Paige.
Owens POV:
You might be wondering how close Paige and I are, and the answer is pretty close. I actually have known Paige since she was four so I am super overprotective of her. She's my 'sister' and she deserves so much better than what's she has been getting.
Owen- hey Pay.
Paige- Owen! *hugs him*
I laugh. And kiss her forehead.
Owen- hey munchkin, how you doing?
Paige- *groans at the nickname* good
I have been calling her munchkin since she was four now she hates it, it makes her feel babied but I will always call her it no matter what.
Charlie's POV:
We just wrapped and I see Paige and Kenny hugging and him whispering in her ear, it makes her nod and tear up sadly. I walk over once their done and pick Paige up, she immediately wraps her arms and legs around me and cries a little.
Charlie- I know Pay, it's okay we will see you all the time
Paige- I know...
Charlie- what did Kenny say?
Paige- *sighs* that Cameron would be proud
Charlie- he would and is proud of you and is always watching over you!
Paige- I know but I miss him...
Charlie- everyone does and it's normal but remember he is in here *points to her heart*
Paige- *smiles* thanks Lee
Charlie- no problem.
After they finished up at set, the whole cast had a sleepover at the sway house and it was an end to one of the best ideas Paige has ever had, and it was to take this job from Kenny!

Authors Note:
This is a short filler chapter next one holds all the drama.

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