"You're done terrorizing this city!"

"No, I've only just begun!" he snapped as he somehow managed to break free from the metal.

Korra was momentarily stunned by this. Before she punched a gust of air at him, he struck Korra with the tip of his tentacle arm, making her yell out in pain. He moved behind Korra and jabbed her again, dropping her to her knees with a groan. He returned to face her.

"Say goodbye Avatar."

Before he could land the finishing blow, the airship suddenly banked hard to the left, causing Korra to topple to the floor and Tokuga to fall toward the broken window.

Asami who was wrenching on the control wheel yelled, "Get your slimy scales off my- uh- Korra!"

With a yell, Tokuga went through the window. He managed to grab hold of the window frame with his tentacle arm.

"You're not going to do away with me that easily!" the half breed yelled, trying desperately to climb back up. Before he could move even the slightest bit upwards Wonyong suddenly appeared at the window frame, holding a fire ax.

"Keum enterprises belong to me, not you!" Wonyong yelled. He swung the ax down on Tokuga's tentacle arm, severing the part of it clinging to the frame and sending a screaming Tokuga falling from the airship.

On the ground, Mako and Bolin had just come through the portal to see the airship hurtling downward, as well as the falling half breed.

Mako quickly ran after him before turning to Bolin, "I've got Tokuga! Go help Korra and Asami!"

The brothers ran in their separate directions. Bolin quickly ran toward the now crashed airship as Korra, Asami, and Wonyong emerge from it. He sighed in relief when everyone seemed to be alright.

"Korra! Asami! Are you alright?" he questioned as he got the trio.

"We're fine. Though, that was a rougher landing than I would have liked," Asami replied.

Korra grinned, "It was better than I would have done."

"That's true."

They stopped talking when the injured triad members emerge from the fallen airship, all in pain. Zhen seemed to be the only one who was genuinely struggling. The Avatar stepped next to him, "I can heal you, just hang tight until we find some spirit water."

Bolin cut her off short, "And once you're back on your feet, you'll be walking straight to prison!"

Asami surprised both Korra and herself when she grabbed the Avatar and brought her in an embrace. The nonbender closed her eyes and smiled in relief, for a second she had actually thought she would've died, and seeing Korra brought a smile to her face.

Korra instantly embraced her back, smiling in the process as a faint blush spread across her cheeks. Bolin was too occupied from removing Wonyong's bindings to notice the sudden affection between the two women.

"Aw, man..." Bolin muttered when he saw the dragon eel spirit approach them. Asami and Korra let go and Korra stood her ground in front of her two friends.

"Haven't you brought enough turmoil to our world, Avatar?" the spirit growled.

"I promise, we're not here to cause any trouble."

The spirit didn't seem convinced, "As long as that portal remains open, there will be strife between humans and spirits."

"It doesn't have to be that way. If we work together, we can find peace."

"How can there be a balance when men like him are determined to exploit our world?" the spirit replied as it glanced at Wonyong.

"Maybe the spirits are right ... Keeping the northern and southern portals open was one thing, but maybe this one was never meant to exist."

Asami shook her head at the Avatar, "No, you can't close it. It's too precious."

"Asami's right."

Everyone looked at Wonyong, Korra and Asami looked surprised, as the property developer approached the dragon eel spirit, "What if I abandoned my claim on the land around the portal?"

"And why would you do that?"

"I owe these two women my life," he said as he gestured to Korra and Asami, "And the last thing I want to do is cause more hostility in Republic City. I'd rather do what I can to support the Avatar in bringing peace."

"If what you say is true then I'm willing to let this matter lie and allow the future to unfold. But we'll be watching what happens next, Avatar. And for your sake, I hope the situation improves. Otherwise, you'll be seeing us again soon."

"Phew! Thank you, Mister Keum," Korra sighed as the spirits went away.

Asami glanced at the man, "I guess I had you pegged wrong. I'm sorry."

"I hope this means our companies can do business in the future."

"Don't get ahead of yourself. But we'll see."

"Tokuga's gone ... I searched the area where he fell, but there was no sign of him. And I didn't see him go back through the portal," Mako voiced his presence as he walked toward the group.

"I bet he'll lay low for a while but I doubt we've seen the last of him."


I updated five times today, I think.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

Hope y'all liked this one, :P


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