Chapter two: The time-twist

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The two fifth-years were blinded by the beaming flash of light that was swallowing them whole as they both reached for the necklace chain and miraculously pulled it around their necks as they were transported into a bar in 1776

"Excuse me gentleman but may I ask where you came from, what are you dressed in and what your names are"

"My name is Harry Potter and his name is Draco Malfoy"

"Why do you look so surprised" Harry asked

They looked around and finally saw who was talking to them

The man was very pale with dark brown almost black eyes and maybe a height of five feet six inches

Aaron lead them over to four other people

"This is Alex, John, Lafayette and Hercules" Burr said as he introduced them

"Guys this is Harry and Draco"

Harry and Draco could tell that Hercules, John,  Alex and Lafayette had been drinking

"Hey, that's a unique looking necklace where did you get it" Hercules exclaimed

"Don't touch it" Draco yelled out

"And why not" Hercules asked

"It was my father's"

"Say what year is it" Harry asked

"Seventeen seventy-six why"

"But we were just in nineteen ninety nin-"  Draco tried to say before getting his mouth covered by Harry's hand

"Gentleman tell me, did you time travel here" Aaron asked the rest of the group listening in

Cliffhanger jk I'm getting ready to write the next chapter right now
Thank you for reading this

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