"Let's go!" She practically shouted, pulling a chuckling Kabuto behind her to the compound. She looked down at the ground so as to not have to deal with the looks sent her way. They must make for quite the sight: Kana blushing furiously and dragging a boy behind her to her house. She knew there would be questions to answer after this. But it would be worth it.

"It's nice," Kabuto politely remarked as he took off his shoes, putting them beside hers.

"It's simple," Kana countered.

"Everything is in order. It is a quality that I admire in a person," Kabuto smiled at her widening eyes as her heart beat like a hammer against her ribcage, wanting to be free to jump into Kabuto's palms.

"Ah.. That's the only respectable way to keep things, no? I would not be a proper shinobi if I couldn't keep track of my own things," Kana said, ignoring her heart fluttering in her chest.

"That is correct. Now, let me take a look at those bruises," Kana held up her arm for Kabuto to look at. As a green chakra covered his hand and the bruise started to recede, Kabuto held an easy conversation, asking Kana about her new sensei and about Kakashi, and slowly her nervousness disappeared. Soon she was animated, telling him about Sasuke and Naruto and their annoying rivalry, Konohamaru, Asuma's training, anything and everything.

"So," Kabuto leaned back in the middle of one of her tales, inspecting Kana's arms. "As good as new."

"Thank.. thank you Kabuto,"

"It was nothing. I'd gladly help a fellow Konoha shinobi, and a friend at that", he smiled at her. "But if your teacher is going to continue to push you this way, I think this one time won't be enough. How about I'll heal you after training every day, and in return you agree to let me take you to dinner again?"

Kana eagerly agreed, nodding enthusiastically. Kabuto healing her was one thing, but the prospect of another semi-date made the deal even sweeter.

And so she fell into a routine, and the month before the chunin selection exams final round seemed to pass by in a matter of days, as everything blurred together. Fight with Yugao, get beaten up by Yugao, meet Kabuto outside the compound to get healed, and twice a week hang out with Kabuto. In some rare occasions there was a twist to her routine and she'd eat lunch with Naruto at Ichiraku's Ramen. Even then she would, as per her routine, eat the miso ramen every single time.

When all the days blurred together it barely even felt as if anything had transpired the three weeks leading up to the chunin exam finals. When she told Kabuto this over strawberry shortcake he had laughed and said that with all the beatings she took, it was no wonder her brain cells were deteriorating. Kana stuck her tongue out at him, but stopped and blushed when he reached over the table to ruffle her hair. Then he picked up a piece of his mochi with a small desert spoon and motioned for her to lean over and have a bite. Kana obliged, used to Kabuto wanting to feed her some of his whenever they went to eat, but still blushing dark red. When she was close enough Kabuto whispered to her, making her almost choke on the mochi.

"Don't look behind you, but we have an observer."

"Who?" Kana tilted her head. Kabuto smirked,

"That orange clad teammate of yours, Uzumaki Naruto," and Kana felt her anger rise at that, along with a tiny bit of confusion. She was angry that he had the gall to interrupt her privacy like this, but she didn't quite understand why. She wasn't even training at the moment, so he couldn't gain any information before the exams from this. All he would see was her.. and Kabuto. Kana's cheeks heated up again at how they must look, together in a cozy café in the afternoon. It was as close to a date one could get without explicitly designing it as such, really.

Kana leaned back in her chair, frowning with a blush spread across her face. Then she uncrossed her arms, taking another piece of cake and eating it, afterwards loudly exclaiming "what a tasty cake!"

Kabuto tilted his head in a question, and Kana continued "do you think Uzumaki would like some too?"

As soon as she finished speaking Naruto popped up from behind a bush, rubbing at his neck. "What a coincidence to see you here Kana-chan! What are you doing here?" He chuckled nervously.

"I am enjoying some strawberry shortcake," Kana deadpanned. "And I was having a lovely day until I found out one of my teammates decided to break my trust and spy on me."

"Kana-chan! It's not like that," Naruto looked crestfallen, and Kana backpedaled. True, she was angry but she had crossed a line in leveraging their bond as teammates.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. That was too far. But why are you spying on us?"

"Well.. I've seen you around town with this guy so I wanted to know your relationship," he leaned in towards Kana and wiggled his eyebrows, whispering "so are you like..?"

"Naruto! How dare you!" Kana shouted, fist shooting out and sacking Naruto on the top of his head. Naruto fell to the ground, clutching the sore spot. Kabuto laughed at the display.

"I've had enough of you Uzumaki, run along." Kana commanded, shooting her teammate a dirty look. Naruto got up from the ground, shouting,

"Oi! You can't just boss me around like that, y'know!"

"Well I just caught you spying on me, I think I can!" Lighting sparked between the two members of team seven, until Kabuto put a hand on each of their shoulders.

"You two, you're causing a scene," he reprimanded, putting one hand on his hip. It reminded Kana of the first time they had met, at the first stage of the exam.  She lowered her head, embarrassed that he had seen such a childish display from her.

"I'm sorry Kabuto. And to you as well, Uzumaki."

"I'll accept your apology, but there is one condition," Naruto smirked.

"You're not in any place to make demands!" Kana shot back.

"Hey, just listen," Naruto said, and Kana nodded her head to indicate for him to continue. "I'll accept your apology if you stop calling me Uzumaki. You can just call me Naruto, y'know." Kana contemplated if for a moment. If she did, it'd mean admitting how much she really cared for her teammates (yes, even the prick Sasuke), which wouldn't be a problem usually but if one of them became chunin they'd leave the rest behind and break her heart. On the other hand, she would benefit from not antagonising Naruto. Plus, she would care for them whether she admitted it or not, so she might as well.

"Hmph. Deal, Naruto. Now, are you going to let me eat in peace or do I have to make you?"

"Fine, fine, have fun on your date Kana-chan!"

"Oi!" But Naruto was already disappearing over the rooftops, an orange blur against the blue sky.

Kana though that was it, that was the conflict of the day, but of course it wasn't enough.

"I'll kill you in the finals, bitch." Dosu spit at her feet, and Kana took a step back to avoid a blob of disgusting saliva to land on her shoe. She made a face back at Dosu, and the man looked ready to launch forward and attack her right then and there in broad daylight, before Kabuto stepped in front of her.

"Let's not cause a scene in the middle of Konoha, no?" Kana couldn't see the look on his face, but something in his expression must have changed Dosu's mind because the man 'che'd and turned tail.

"You better sleep with one eye open,"

"See you in the finals," Kana waved at Dosu, an overwhelming fake cheer present in her voice. As soon as he was out of sight Kana slumped her shoulders, sighing in relief.

"Haa, that was scary," She said wearily "you know, I saw his special arm in the second stage, and it's really weird and powerful. I don't understand it, but it knocked someone I know down hard, and that person is strong."

"Don't worry Kana, nobody would attempt anything so stupid just before the finals. But you better be careful anyhow, just in case. Let me walk you home?"

"Yes! Thank you Kabuto," Kana leaned on the older boy, smiling  to herself, "I already feel safer."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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