2. New World

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~*~ Runes pov~*~

I awoke in a rather bright ray of light, looking around at my surroundings it looked as if time had passed on for centuries. (like the cover page) All around me where lofty glass towers, windows shattered vines slowly stretching up the buildings. Small fires scattered everywhere it looked as if humanity had fallen flat. "Ok this is kinda.. cool-" I was caught up in my own thoughts when I heard something rattle in the bushes. I grabbed a near by rusted metal pipe ready to defend myself if necessary.

A decently sized creature merged out of the bush it looked like a walking Venus fly trap. it came at me like a running cyclops. my first instinct was to hit it with the pipe so I did I just happened to hit the plant in the eye. After I hit it in the eye it stepped back and howled in agony. I took my chance and ran as fast as I could go after about 5 minutes of running I saw a girl. 'Wait a second is that Bee?' I thought to myself "hey Bee!" I shouted. she turned her head to look at me, yes in fact it was Bee.

~*~ Bee's pov~*~

I woke up outside it seemed like it was the future, but yet it seemed so rundown. Almost like it was forgotten- I stood up and walked around a little bit. it seemed quiet almost too quiet. Until I heard "hey Bee!" that voice almost kinda sounded like Rune. 'Wait a second I think that is rune' I thought to myself I looked the voices way and indeed it was Rune. I jogged towards him "do you have any idea where we are?" I questioned "no entire clue-" he responded I noticed he had a deep looking gash on his hand. "What is with your hand?" I asked "I must of gotten it while I threw a pipe at a running plant-" "excuse me did you just say running plant?" I said a little confused "yes indeed I said a running plant, it was in the bushes" he responded back to me.

"we haven't been here for even 30 minutes and there is already running killer plants and scattered fires.." I said in a unamused tone 'that's just fantastic-' I thought to myself. "it looks kinda rundown, what do you think?" Rune questioned me. "yeah very I wonder what happened" "who knows" he added. We kept walking around hoping that we would maybe find someone who could help us.

~*~ Rev's pov~*~

Rinnie and I had finally made it out of the dark building we where both shocked too see the outside. Towering glass buildings that where very rundown small fires scattered around. I felt better now that I'm in the light, and I can be more aware of my surroundings. "What is this place-" I heard Rinnie question "I'm not exactly sure." 'This place seems rather odd as if everyone evacuated' I just shrugged that thought off, it couldn't be that.. or could it?

We where walking around for awhile until I saw what looked like two people. "Hey Rinnie?" "yes?" she answered "I think there are people right ahead of us." "Hey You guys!" she shouted they turned their head towards us "Can you help us?" I added. We both started walking towards each other onece they got close enough I saw their faces "Rune, Bree!" I exclaimed at that point we started to run towards each other. "Do any of you guys know where we are?" Rinnie asked "we all answered with a simple no. "I think everyone is gone guys" Rune said, "I think so too.." I added I think we should try to find a way out of this guys. we all simply agreed, that was the moment we started our grand adventure of surviving the end.

- words: 653

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