Chapter 2

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Cleo woke up the next morning, realising yesterday definitely was not a dream. Her dad informed her as she walked down the stairs Charlotte had gone officially missing,and police were searching for her everywhere. her phone had blown up with messages from Lewis worried about how she didn't show the night before at there date, Rikki was worried about how she just left the juicenet café and wasn't seen again, and Emma seemed worried and suspicious about her whereabouts yesterday while Charlotte was claimed missing. great. the smartest one in the group is already on Cleo's tail.

Cleo texted them all to tell them she was ok. She hated lying to them but she made the excuses she was having trouble with dealing with her mums departure and she needed time.

Lewis and Rikki agreed to give her space and told her they'd see her the next day at school. Emma insisted they meet at Mako island. Cleo was scared that Emma knew, she didn't want to go but thought she better find out what Emma wanted.

Emma POV-

Emma walked along the shore line, Cleo was supposed to be here soon. She needed to be sure Cleo was what she suspected, she was scared for Cleo. If it is true Cleo wouldn't be able to live with herself.

She turned around to see Cleo walking towards her. something had definitely happened, she wasn't as upbeat as usual, she looked tired and like it took way to much energy for her to get out of bed. Whether it was what Emma thought or not, something had definitely happened. seeing Cleo upset hurt Emma. She wanted to help her.

"Hey Cleo." She said with a warm smile

Cleo forced a smile.

Emma got up and jumped in the water to go to Mako. Cleo sped ahead, That's weird, Emma has always been faster than Cleo.

When she made it to the moon pool Cleo was already there,

"Cleo, where were you yesterday when you left the juicenet to see what Lewis and Charlotte were talking about. At the dock, where Charlotte was last seen." Emma said cautiously, she heard her heart beat fasten.

"I- I was on my way to the dock when I got a call from mum, she said she wanted to talk about leaving us so I went home to think about it that's it." She said fiddling with her locket like what she did when she was nervous.

"Cleo your a really bad liar-" Emma started then Cleo snapped.

"Its true, Why do you care anyways!" Cleo growled. hey eyes glowed golden. it startled Emma, she had never seen Cleo mad.

Then Emma realised, the extra speed, the anger. Cleo had killed charlotte then triggered her werewolf curse. Emma needed to help her, Cleo was her friend and being a werewolf is terrible, who knows what will happen on a full moon, a moonstruck wolf roaming around? She knew she had to tell Cleo so she was ready. But she wasn't ready for Emma's secret yet...

Cleo POV-

Cleo felt that terrible anger again. how was Emma catching on, Cleo knew she was a terrible liar, she was trying so hard to keep to together

"Cleo.. I swear I wont tell anyone, I'm not mad I know you killed Charlotte." Emma said promisingly.

Cleo broke. she started crying uncontrollably she was mad yet grateful Emma wasn't thinking of her as a complete freak for killing someone. she was also very confused. how did Emma know and why didn't she seem afraid in a way?

Cleo curled up in a ball like she did as a kid when she was scared. Emma hugged her and patiently waited for her to calm down.

"what happened to me" Cleo asked when she calmed down a bit.

"This will be hard for you to process but you have to listen to me, I want to help you." Emma started.

Cleo nodded.

"Your ancestors carry a curse passed down through generations. like your dad and sister could carry the curse." Emma began to talk

Cleo felt like right now was necessary for her to tell Emma about her real family life.

"Emma I don't know my parents, the Satori's adopted me. My name was Hayley Marshall. I changed it to Cleo, they gave me Satori." Cleo said looking at her feet

Emma nodded as she understood.

"Well you came from a certain bloodline that held a werewolf curse. Its only triggered when a death is caused by your hand." Emma said sympathetically.

Cleo started to freak out "I'm a monster, do I turn into a wolf on the full moon? this is bad. How do you know all this?" Her anger to confusion causing a rollercoaster of emotions.

"Your not a monster, and I've been around, I've met people like you. But your bite is fatal to.. some people," Emma stopped herself. "I will still do my hardest to help you every full moon." Emma said reassuringly.

It was a lot to process, she was glad she had Emma to help her. But she didn't want to risk hurting her.

"What's it like, turning into a werewolf." Cleo asked shyly.

"Its painful. but you will get used to it, don't be afraid we might have to lock you up somewhere to keep you from hurting people, maybe on the island, assuming you don't go have fish half wolf on us and swim back to the shore" Emma joked.

Cleo laughed, she also considered the thought.

"Our secret? Please" Cleo said desperately

"I promise." Emma said kindly. "Now its getting late, get a good sleep tonight and be ready to see Lewis and Rikki in the morning everything will be OK." Emma said jumping into the water and swimming away.

Cleo felt a lot better, knowing more about herself and what happened. She also dreaded the upcoming full moon. A part of her felt suspicious of Emma's knowledge. But she trusted her.

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