Chapter One - Edens Home!

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To my dearly beloved, my shining star, my best friend, my Dahlia . As this letter reaches your possession you will come to find that I was not entirely honest. For you see I can not carry on as we do, my heart aches knowing that you are completely clueless on the matter. Our friendship has lasted for a tremendous and alluring 15 years. You came to me when I was merely 4, and you only 3 (but as you persist- 3 and four quarters). Although we are in different situations, you are my oldest and dearest friend alongside Milo of course.

"Vinnie cut it out, Dee will never feel the same as you do. Even when you try to uh 'charm', yeah that's the word, her." Milo screamed after just passing the ball to JJ. He stood tall in the calm summer's breeze as he brushed his hand through his hair. He was only a metre away from the boy, his best friend since birth, who had been sat under the single oak tree that lived in the open field for as long as the boys could remember.

"Yeah exactly! Now will you stop pining over her and come play. We're a player short for god sake!" JJ said, receiving the ball and kicking it to Jess. At this point the game was slow and the boys were almost breathless and very sweaty, just about to pass out from the heat. They had been playing for two hours prior to this but Vinnie got bored and started declaring his love for Dee again. He was a sweet boy with a passion for romance. He believed it to be the most innocent thing in the world and that society demolished all the great things about it. He was is always talking about how everyone only wants sex and forgets all about the small simples things of loving someone. His head was full of toys but you couldn't blame him. He grew up with only his mother and they'd always watch cheesy romance films. I guess they both just wanted to be loved. His father was an abusive drunk who had been in jail for the last seven years. So he took it upon himself to be the 'man of the house' and look after his mother.

"I am not pining!-" Vinnie yelled back before being cut off.

"Yeah you are-" came from Em, JJ and Jess. who were fed up with having this argument time after time.

"-No, I'm not! " Vinnie replied, grabbing a hand full of grass out of boredom and frustration.

"Then why are you sitting under a tree writing old English love letters for her? We all know she'll never read it. Your to pussy to give it to her.'' Peered a beautifully angelic voice from behind the tree. Followed by a tall girl with wavy platinum hair and skin that looked sun kissed. She was wearing a long flowy black and white skirt with daisies that had a slit up to her mid thigh on one side, along with a black cropped nirvana t-shirt and black Dr. Martens boots to finish the look. She was the image of perfection. All the boys instantly stopped what they were currently talking among themselves about and their eyes instantly shot to the girl standing before them.

"EDEN!" cheered all the boys. Each one of them ran up to her and embraced her in a bone crushing hug. She had left only a month ago to visit her new school before term started in September. Yet each boy was thrilled to see her. After all she was 'one of the boys'. Of course she got along with girls but she felt like boys, these lot in particular, understood her more. After all she wasn't really into anything girly. She was the type to climb trees and play in mud. In fact the only girly thing she liked was actual girls. So it was easier to get along with the boys. Over the years they've shared stories about their experiences and all their secrets. Eden loved each and everyone of them as if they were her brothers.

"Chill i've only been gone a month, you ought to be careful showing all that affection. Someone might see." She laughed, gaining a load of chuckles.

"So you meet a lad yet?" Ash asked clearly knowing the answer and making them laugh.

"No, I've been preoccupied with the other human species." she nervously chuckled as she shyly rubbed the back of her neck.

"OMG" yelped Jess "YOU MET A GIRL-!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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