Chishiya - Price of gold

Start from the beginning

His hand starts to trail up my side as my head rests on his shoulder. I feel a tight force on his neck as his eye context with mine. He scoffs before talking. "You'd be shocked at the amount to people I've fucked over with simply just my words...don't think so highly of yourself...your not that attractive yourself hun"

He walks away without even giving me a chance to reply. "Fuck I had a reply good comeback for that!" I whine and pout to myself.


I rolled my eyes and relaxed in a pool, maybe it's due to the fact it was 4am there was a lack people around. My black matched well with my (S/c) skin. My hair pulled away from my face as I simple relaxed my built up stress and nerves. I only had one day left on my visa but honesty I was to tired at this point to think about it.

"You look stressed" I look across the pool to see a familiar white hoodie wearing male. I mutter a short reply not feeling like doing much in my stressed out state.

"Why do you care?"

"Who said I cared?" I hear the light scuffle of his shoes on the ground before I hear nothing. The short silence is followed by the sound of water moving. I open my eyes to see him lowering himself into the water. Hoodie n all.

"The Hoddie will drown you if you make fast movement."  I lower myself deeper. Holding my breath only my eyes showing above the water.

"Bet you'd like the thought of me drowning" I stare at him until I run out of air and come back up with a light gaps.

"Less it's kinky drowning I'd rather much as I love annoying you I wouldn't want any harm to come to you" I pull myself up to sit on the side of the pool. Water drips down my body in small droplets. The light on the pool highlighting my hip and collar bone along with my chest.

Chishiya slowly approaches before he's placed between my legs. His face level with my lower body. His hands Come to rest either side of my legs. Most likely to keep himself up with the weight of his hoodie.

" the card stealing Y/n doesn't hate me like appears"

I scoff and lean down slightly to make better eye contact.I feel his hands move to cradle the side of my thighs before trailing to my hips.

"Isn't more like you hate me?" I pout to myself as he lets out a slightly smirk and raises an eyebrow.

"If I hated you...why would I currently be in a pool with you thinking about the different places to get you to my room instead."

I blink slowly before flicking my eyes to his lips before lowering myself back into pool. His hands stay firmly placed on my hips and his eyes roaming all the different parts of my body.

I trail one hand under his hoodie feeling his flat yet firm chest. My other hand lightly grazes his neck as I draw my lips closer to his.

He closes his eyes while I feel his heartbeat speed up along with his hips press into mine. The pressure around up increasing as he slides one hand to rest of my waist. The other remaining on my waist.

I fight the urge to giggle as my lips graze against his as I whisper.

"I'm fucking pure'll take more than a few sweet words to make me lower my price"

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