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My eyes flung open, sore from last night's bad sleep.

"DEX, GET OUT, I'M NOT WEARING ANYTHING!" I shriek, pulling up the sheets as far as I could.

He winces and covers his eyes, walking out. "Sorry, sorry."

Dex is my mom's sister's son. Basically, my cousin. We were best friends since we were young so he comes over a lot, uninvited.

I find the nearest robe and slip it on. Walking into the living area, I see Dex toying with my jewels.

"Another murder?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. 

I snatch the pearl necklace out of his hands and carefully place it with the other trinkets.

"That's none of your business."

"Duchess Gisela?"

I don't respond.

"That's what I thought."

He looks at me with this exasperated look on his face. I know exactly what he's going to say, it wasn't the first time.

"You know you don't have to do this, Aunt Edaline wouldn't want you to,"

"Yeah, yeah," I dismiss his words. "But who's gonna help the people?"

Dex groans. "That's not your job,"

"I know it's Edaline's, but she's dying, Dex. She's dying."

He glances at his shoes, perfectly polished and shined.

I sit next to him and sigh. "It's my job now."

Nodding, he gets up. He mumbles something about checking on Edaline and leaves my room.

I exhale. Ever since my adoptive mother, Duchess Edaline, got sick, all of the work and problems got thrust on me. Our people were poor and hungry and my mother couldn't help them. So, I decided to become an assassin to provide money for everyone and everything.

If the people were poor, how could they pay their taxes? And I obviously couldn't ask any of the neighboring nobility, it'd make us look weak.

I took matters into my own hands and have decided to use the money I get to help rebuild Havenfield.

Grady was dead, Edaline was sick, and the only people I could rely on were Dex's family, the Dizznees.

They weren't really high up on the scale but they were pretty well off. Marchioness Juline is, like I said earlier, Edaline's sister.

I quickly take a bath and get ready for breakfast, by myself.

The blue tulle fabric blankets the stairs as I walk down to the dining hall.

At least 20 people could be seated at the table, but I only saw one as I approached it.

Duchess Gisela.

"Sophie dear," she sings, helping herself to a blueberry pastry.

I ignore her and seat myself, picking up a bright red apple.

"Lady Sophie,"

I bite into it and savor the sweet juice, cool and fresh.

"I have another task for you,"

Rolling my eyes, I turn to face her.

Her usual black cloak sweeps the floor, a big white eye placed right on the breast pocket.

I chew slowly and think. It'd probably be a good idea to take up her offer. Normally if she asks right after I had just done a job, she'd pay me extra.

"Okay," I say. "What is it?"

She claps her hands, that sweet smile appearing. I eyeball a stack of fresh pancakes as she speaks.

"I'd like you to kill my son,"

blood and pearls: a sokeefe auWhere stories live. Discover now