Chapter 1- Youngin

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*6 years earlier*

"Romeo?" My mother tapped me.

"Yes mom?" I mumbled

"Time to get up for school sweetie. Breakfast is on the table. I have to go to work. I love you. Your dad gonna come at 8 to pick you up. I might let him keep you for spring break. Its up to you though." She kissed my cheek & left out my room.

I swear I love my mom. Shes a strong woman. My dad is in my life, but i aint know him til i was 12. Im 14 now. So our relationship isn't all that. But its growing though.

I get to see him every weekend. So hes basically your typical weekend dad. The only reason why my dad wasnt in my life, was because my mother was scared i would get hurt. Not from my dad. From other gangs.

Yeah my dad a gang leader. Hes one of the baddest too. Niggas literally shit their pants if they gotta do deals with him. Why? Because if you give weak bags, he'll kill you. Everything gotta be correct. He dont play around when it comes to money & his merchandise.

Anyways todays Friday. My last day of school for spring break.

I got up & went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth. Then i hopped in the shower.


"Wassup Romeo." My homeboy Darius said

"Shit nothing much. Gonna spend spring break with my pops. What about you?" I dap him

"Aye thats wassup & shit yunno me. Ima just chill until something comes along."

"Hi Romeo." Christina said

"Aye girl. Come here." She came to me & i wrapped my arms around her. " You missed me?" I smirked

"Of course i missed you." She giggled "Oh hi Darius. I forgot you was there."

"Yeah yeah. Wheres your fine ass friend." He smirked

"Who? Cassy?"

"Yes her. Where she at doe."

"She was behind me. I guess she went inside or-"

"Christina!! How you leave me for him." Cassy pouted

"I aint leave you. You was walking too slow boo. Im sorry."

"Its ok. Im- Darius move."

"Now yunno you dont want me to let you go. Stop fronting." Darius smirked

"Shh yunno i dont." She blushed

"Well its the last day. Yunno what we should do?" I said

"What?" They said

"We should ditch school. Im not tryna get homework."

"Facts bro." Darius said

"But where we gonna go?" Christina looked up at me

"Where do you wanna go ma? It is your last day seeing me in person. Until spring break over."

"How its my last day?"

"Because im staying with my pops."

"For the whole spring break?"


"Awwwe. Ima miss u sooo much."

"Ima miss you too."

She gave me a hug. & I held her tight.

"Is yall done with yall lil moment?" Darius asked

"Facts. Yall lil touchin moment." Cassy said

"Yall 2 shut up. Im not gonna see him for the whole spring break. While yall 2 can. So u damn right we havin a moment." Christina chuckled

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