Adapting: Chapter 14

Comenzar desde el principio

Music played and Pepper arrived, slowly walking down the aisle, everyone admired her dress, It was a bright white, with a long train flowing behind her, it was shoulderless, and silver designs adorned the torso and a bit of the skirt 

(A/N I looked it up, the lower part of a dress is called the skirt...yes, I didn't know that). 

Pepper arrived at the front of the venue, and lightly grabbed Tony's hand, letting him guide her to the front. 

SKIP: I may do this later...but I can't write this part of a wedding, I have no idea what happens here, besides 'You may kiss the bride!' So here we go:

"You may kiss the bride!" 

Tony and Pepper leaned in for a heartfelt kiss, It was simple, but all the onlookers could tell, it was full of affection. Then together they walked out, heading towards the Party room, for dance, food, and best of cake. 

A few hours later and the guests had started to leave, Tony and Pepper were resting, it had been a fun night. 

"Hey...Tony, where are Peter and Gwen?" Tony just smirked and pointed.

Gwen and Peter were still on the dance floor, going a slowly paced dance completely oblivious to their proximity to each other, just happy with the moment. 

"Hey, Pete?" Gwen muttered


"I really like this."

"I do to"

"No, not the dance...wait! I love the dance...this is...amazing, what I meant is I like"

"I know...I like us to" 

Their faces were getting closer, and the conversation more and more awkward. 

"Do you think we should..."

"Well if you would like t--" 

Gwen decided to take charge and kissed Peter...right smack-dab on the lips. Neither knew how long they just stayed there, just kissing. But they jumped apart when the lights suddenly went out. 

They looked at Tony, he made a 'thwip' 'thwip' motion with his hands, of course, he was also smirking. Ignoring the smirk and their previous activities, Peter and Gwen, slipped away from the crowd and tabbed the watches they had been wearing. The Iron Spider nanites slid out of the watches and formed around them. 

A few minutes later Spider-Man and Ghost-Spider were in the shadows, examining the power boxes. They were all fried. 

In the middle of the Dance floor, a figure appeared, he was wearing a dark green mechanics jumpsuit. he had on yellow boots and yellow gloves. He also had a yellow hood and an eye mask, which of course was yellow. 

"Hate to break up the wedding...but I have an objection" his voice seemed to crackle with power. 

Peter swung down and landed a kick on his face. "Hey, Sparky! You missed your chance, your supposed to now 'forever hold your peace'" 

Gwen then jumped down and landed on his shoulders, making him fall over. But he quickly throws her off and gets up. "Fools! Your stupid little bug powers can't defeat me! I've absorbed all the power in a four-block radius!" He then launched electricity right out of his hands...right out of his hands 'this world just keeps getting weirder' Both Gwen and Peter thought. Peter and Gwen dodged, but the electricity seemed to be trying to reach them. "Gwen! Our suits are metal, the electricity wants a conductor!" 

Gwen nodded "Karen! Is there any electrical attack protocol or something, cause I don't want to become a spider-themed french fry!" 

"Accessing protocols...electrical shields activating..." translucent blue shields were starting to form around their suits, right before the shields finished an arc of electricity hit both Peter and Gwen. 

They were suddenly unable to move. 

The man chuckled "You can't beat me! I am Electro, my power is limmitle--"

He was cut off by suddenly being grabbed by Iron Man, who had a complete shield around his suit. He flew out of the building and slammed electro into the dirt. "F.R.I.D.A.Y! Activate electric gauntlets maximum voltage!" Iron Man tightened his grip on Electro and his gauntlets began to spark with energy. 

Electro began to absorb it but found it harder to absorb Arc reactor energy. After about a minute or so of grabbling, Electro's body began to glow, and with a massive discharge, all his energy was launched into the earth, leaving him powerless.

Letting the authorities take Electro, Tony rushed into the building again, to find two teens, both unable to move. 

"Aww, the electric shock must've deactivated the nanites! Sorry kids I'll get you out!" Tony touched the suits where their hidden arc reactors were, and let his gauntlet activate the emergency protocols, the suits launched themselves off of the teens, and onto the floor in a heap. 

Peter and Gwen tumbled on top of each other. Finding that they were looking into each other's eyes, they somehow completely disregarded what had just happened, and began to kiss...right there...on the floor. 

"Ugh...I'm right here!" They paid Tony no attention. "Well okay...way to end off with a bang." 

Done! Peter and Gwen are a couple (kinda)! Pepper is pregnant, Morgan is on her way!



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