'Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where and what hidden? What is he talking about?'Umbridge blurted her questions to Snape.

'No idea.' Snape replied as he walked off.

'Very well, you leave me no choice Potter, Valentine.' Umbridge started to speak again.

'What are you going to do Professor?' Theo asked curiously.

'Mister Nott, the Cruciatus curse might loosen up their tongues. Any volunteers for Valentine?' She questioned.

'That's illegal.' Hermione spoke up.

'What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him.' She said as she put his picture down on her desk. She walked up to you first pointing her wand ready to curse you. You won't ready for the pain. No one has used it on you of course.

'Tell her Y/N!' Hermione screamed.

'Tell me what?' Umbridge asked.

'Well if you don't tell her where it is I will.' Hermione explained. You used your occumlency on her to see where she was going with this. Then you found the plan out.

'Where what is?' She asked impatiently.

'Dumbledore's secret weapon.' Hermione answered.

'Professor Umbridge if you lower your wand Hermione and Harry will show you where it is.' You admitted.

'I will not be taking orders from a silly little girl.' She scoffed.

'Then they can't show you.' You added.

'Okay fine go then but I'm keeping my wand. Inquisitorial squad keep the rest with you.' She ordered as she and Harry followed Hermione out of the castle.

You swiftly grabbed yours and the others wands and chucked it at them before the Inquisitorial squad could see what happened before their eyes. You all pointed your wands at them while they do the same. You were at the front so you could use your special magic to protect the others.

'You really want to do this boys?' You smirked.

'Go.' Draco muttered.


'Y/N he said go. Hit us so it looks like you did something to us and go.' Theo claimed.

'Thank you, Draco, Theo.' You swiftly ran with the others to head to Harry and Hermione.

'Where could they be Y/N?' Ginny asked.

'Maybe to find another Professor?' Neville answered.

'Nope, I know where they are follow me.' You ordered as you all ran to the courtyard. You finally reached the bridge from the courtyard to the forbidden forest by the time you found them.

'How did you get away?" Hermione questioned.

'Y/N of course. She has Malfoy wrapped around her finger.' Ginny smirked making you chuckled.

'Nice one Y/N.' Harry smiled.

'Where's Umbridge?' Ron questioned.

'With some fellow Ministry allies.' Hermione explained.

'Centaurs? Brillant! How are we getting to London then?' Neville asked.

'Look it's not I don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you but I've got you in enough trouble as it is.' Harry walked off as you dragged him back.

'Dumbledore's Army's is supposed to be about doing something real or was that just words to you?' Neville spoke up to the boy.

'Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself mate.' Ron chirped up.

Pureblood Lovers Draco X Y/NDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora