Chapter 2

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Lee's POV

When I heard Ceaser say Bree's name I was beyond confused. Why would he say that? I turned and saw a very terrified Bree looking up at Ceaser. Before I could say anything she screamed at the top of her lungs and ran as fast as she could.

"BRIANNA!" Ceaser called to her as she ran from him. Ceaser started after her and that was when my insticks kicked in as a father I started to run after her also. I was going so fast to catch up to her. Bree being herself kept screaming like a drama queen which was never good. She was running as fast as her small body could take her aand then she tripped and smaked her head into a big ass rock.

"BRIANNA!!" I yelled as ran up to her. Before I knew it I was crying really hard. She was my baby girl. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me in disbelief. She went to get up but I pushed her back down gently. "Don't move."

She started to look around and her eyes landed on someone behind me. I turned to see who it was and of course it was Barney. That kinda pissed me off and kinda confussed me. She never meet my friends and I was hoping she never would but I met all of her friends. Suddenly she started to close her eyes.

"Daddy..." She said very slowly then passed out from the loss of blood. I quickly picked her up and carried her to the old plane that was Barneys.

Hey guys sorry for the late update! I hope you all dont hate me and sorry for my terrible spelling! I was never good at it anyways. I hop you lke the chapter and sorry for it being short!

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