"Stop pointing someone! It's Jungkook who else has that kind of face?" I said while glancing at Jungkook who's now laughing with a girl. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. I told you he is good at making girl crazy, looks like he will have a good night tonight huh?"

"Shut up, Jimin. Whatever he will do we are out of it stop minding his disgusting actions."

"I didn't mind it tho it's just that it's hard to look away when he already touching the girl!"

My eyes automatically glance at him again just to be shock when I saw him staring at me so intently. I parted my lips and look away.

"He didn't!" I whisper to Jimin. He laugh at me and tap my shoulder.

"He did but when you glanced at him again he stopped touching the girl's shoulder. Dimwit." I can't focus anymore.

Jimin grab the cart and he is the one who go to the cashier, I was about to go to him when Jungkook walk towards to me. I stand up properly.

"Still not finish, hmm?" What's with that voice? I rolled my eyes."Stop rolling your eyes."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll see.." He said then I gasp when his face is near at my face."I might kiss your eyes, I hate annoying actions and if I find your actions annoying— this lips will landed to your lips."

"Y-you bastard!" He laugh and Jimin grab me. I glance at him once again and glared at him.

"Jungkook is really irritating, huh? I told you their group is annoying!" Jimin said and still grabbing me.

"Tss. The guts of that guy, he forgot that I am higher than him."

"Does he look like he cares?"

I blink because of what Jimin said. Seems like Jungkook is a kind of hard-headed person and even his hyung can't control his attitude.

"Tsk. Whatever." I said as we entered a restaurant here in the mall.

"And I saw that he flirted! Is he sort of gay?" I look at Jimin who get the menu and read some foods, I did the same too.

"His body shouted that he is a daddy, so I guess he is not gay." Jimin look at me funny.

"Seriously? Daddy?"

"What? Look at his body, more leaner than mine, more bigger than mine, and yes I am just me."

"Seriously, Taehyung? That's funny!" We laugh because of what he said.

We are just enjoying our self when a group of men just entered the restaurant and God knows how much I want to curse an evil who let them see us. I massage my forehead instead of paying attention to their presence.

"There!" Seokjin pointed us and they walk towards to our area, I sigh and I feel so dissapppointed."We didn't know that you two are here, what you doing?"

"Shopping obviously." I said. Seokjin laugh and sit beside Jimin.

"Nope. Your place is there." Yoongi said and pointed Namjoon's place. Seokjin just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, cat." Yoongi just punch Seokjin in a joke way.

In God's damn will Jungkook sat beside me and I don't fvcking know what to do because of his presence.

"Since we are just a one group, go Hoseok and get that one table so that our table will be long since this is just a table for two." Namjoon said.

"I am not your fvcking servant, asshole." Hoseok said but followed what Namjoon ordered.

"You still do it anyway."

"Shut up."

"So, why are you all here and disturbing our so peaceful dinner?" Jimin said as they ordered.

"Everytime we are near you acted like that, Jimin. I know that you are a boy but you acted like you just got your first period today." Hoseok said while telling the waiter what's his order.

"Because it's annoying, okay?!"

"What did we do to you?" Yoongi said pure curiousity.

"Jimin, you shouldn't act like that because we didn't do something that it pisses you off." Seokjin said and he is serious.

"Fine. I will be kind and control my anger issues with you all because we will be one group in Busan."

I feel so stress while listening to their conversation. I sigh deeply and just wait for our order.

"Don't mind their conversation." Jungkook said while leaning to his chair. I look at him.

"Who said I minded it? Not me."

"Obviously you are stress because of your friend's attitude towards to my team."

"He has his reason okay? I can't judge him but I won't tolerate him, besides he knew all your background even your friends so maybe it's a self mechanism."

"What are we? Monster?"

I don't want him to misinterpret my actions so, I laugh inside of my head but a smile escape so I just avoided his stares so that he will not notice that his question made me laugh.

"I didn't say that, but maybe you all turn into one." I said playfully. He look at me funny.

"Yeah, soon I will.." I avoided his gaze and just wait for the order.

Sometimes I don't understand his actions to me, he will become cold, then become likes this, I didn't know him yet but he have this guts to talk to me like this. Maybe because I let him too? I should avoid him right? It's not healthy.

But, everytime he talk to me even if he didn't use some respectful words I can still feel that he respects me and he didn't need words to express his respect to me. This is maybe the reasom why I let him being playful around with me like this.

If that is— goodluck self. I trust you self, let's love our self. Damn.

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