You spoke with a saddened smile as (P/n) looked at you innocently, "Then......"
(P/n) started, putting her index finger on her chin, signaling she was thinking about something, "i'll just help so many people out there that they'll help clean up the mess!"

(P/n) showed a determined and pure grin, clening their hands to a fist as they showed you their 'Muscles'

You just giggled in response, ruffling the little childs hair,

"After the sure you'll get out of here... just one more month okay? Then you can live with me, like you wanted too"

You smiled as the little kid leaned in at your touch,

But...the test denied them, for years to end, but then...when they finally, got accepted to be freed,

They died, died a cruel, undesirable death,

That you, blamed on yourself
Over and over, every single day,


You let your mind ponder to those sad memories as you finished your flower crown, that was decorated with flowers, the colors of (F/c)
(S/fc) and white,

You smiled as you tapped Muichiro's shoulder, "Mui-san" you smiled as the male perked up from the name and looked up, only to slightly flinch as you suddenly put the flower crown on his head,

The male blinked in slight confusion as he looked at the flower crown on top of his head, as you let out a small chuckle, "I never knew you could get more beautiful" you chuckled as the male's cheeks slightly dusted pink,

The airhead was quite shocked believe it or not, one second he was just finishing a flower crown for you, then the second, you were telling him he was beautifu, "You think so...?" Muichiro asked as you nodded,

"I know so" you smiled, nodding, as Muichiro looked at you, taken aback, as the male felt his cheeks slightly heat up, "Eh? You're blushing? Was that to much? Gomen..."

You suddenly spoke, in slight shock as you sweatdropped, scratching your cheek in slight shock still,

The airhead just slightly sighed, "Its fine, i just need a few minutes or so.." The male mumbled as he looked away you just sweatdropped again, "Alright then...I'll leave you to it, im just going to make some toast for everyone yeah? Their probably going to be awake any time now"

You smiled as the male nodded, they usually wake up at 8 or 9, meaning you spent quite the time with Muichiro as you stood up, giving the male a quick wave as you walked towards the door that separated the garden with the building,

You gave Muichiro one last smile as you went inside,

And true to your word, you went to the kitchen to make some toast, except for Zenitsu and Genya, they would rather prefer plain egg,

And question, why does the building leave the care takers to do the cooking? Well...they cant really afford chefs for EVERY building, theres like... around 500 if not more,

They dont get much extra money to pay for chefs and their own well-being so they leave the care takers to do the tasks instead, and believe me, it saves up alot of money,

[C R A Z Y]~Kny×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now