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In The next few days I was invited to cooks birthday party at some pub. The girls met up and I couldn't take my eyes off Katie. Fuck. I look away and walk into the pub noticing, cook jj and Freddie. "AYY FRIENDS!"cook says cheering. We all stand around awkwardly as cook talks about parting and chugs a bear making a huge mess. Then we all sit at the tables singing "for he's a jolly good fellow". I couldn't help but laugh at the awkwardness. "Thank you guys. Now what's next? Oh yeah..MORE DRINKS MORE DRINKS," cook says banging on the table. "Yeah?" Everyone agrees and he goes to get shots. "He's fun," Katie says. "You have no idea," Freddie responded taking a sip of his drink. "He's already had half a bottle of vodka," jj says laughing. "Really? How crazy," effy said sarcastically. I laughed a bit at her sarcasm. "He's just wild," I say rolling my eyes. Cook comes back with tequila shots. I take the shot it burning my throat a bit and leaving me warm. Cook takes like five saying awolf after every one. Cook jj and Freddie say it too but Freddie's being a bit softer. Effy looked at him finding it cute and it made me smile. Then Naomi walks in awkward and Katie rolls her eyes. Cook watches Emily and Katie fight about Naomi and then laughs. "Want to know a secret?" He says hovering over the table. "What?" Naomi says. "I know the cure." "Cure for what?" Naomi said confused. "It's my cock," cook says obnoxiously. Cook and Katie laugh while me and effy eye them. "Hey I brought cake," Emily says taking out a cake. "Cheers girl!" Cook says taking it. Jj tried to take some but cook slaps his hand away, "my cake. Mine!" He then went into the cake with his hands and eats it all. Then washes it down with a pint of beer. "You're a one sicko," I say. "Thank you," he says then patting his stomach. "You okay?" Jj asks. Cook nods, "yeah just full." "I can't believe you ate the whole thing," Freddie laughs. "Yeah well someone had to get this party started," cook scoffs. "Party? Do you call this a party, where's the conversation? Where's the dancing? Where are the men?" Katie says snarkily. "We're men," cook says confused. "You're boys," Katie chuckles. I smile at her comment it making me want to bite my lip but that was too far. "Do you wanna measure my dick? It's daddy sized," cook says angrily. Katie rolls her eyes and effy just laughs. "So you all think this party's shit?" Cook asks. "It's a little bit," Emily says. "It could be?" Pandora adds softly. "It's shit." Me and effy say at the same time. Cook and Freddie step outside and the rest of us just wait in here. "I mean what did he expect from this stupid pub?" I said rolling my eyes. "Right. We'll need a proper place for a party," Katie says smiling at me. Emily whispered to Katie something I couldn't quite makeout but katie just rolled her eyes and put it off. Soon freddie and cook came back to tell us we were going to a real party that Freddie's sister was at. But once we got there the security guard wouldn't let us in. "Oh cmon," I say annoyed. I wanted to party after a boring sad sack of one we just had. Cook tried to get his way but the security guard said, "nope not coming in." "Why not?" "Because you're not invited plus I don't like the look of ya," he says. Cook clenches his jaw in anger, "how about your a fucking cock, I fucking break your fucking face mate." Freddie moves cook back protecting him. "Okay I guess were not getting in," I say annoyed. "Nah this is just an obstacle we're meant to go to this party," cook says. Then two girls walk out, "Freddie? What are you doing here?" The girl in the pink dress asked. Cook walked up the them smiling, "Karen..and who's this?" "This is my friend she's getting married," Karen days and her friend shows her ring. Cook then nods and then kisses her. "Wanky," I say in shock. "Is he always like this?" Emily asks. Freddie nods sighing. I zoned out bringing my attention to Katie again but this time she caught me, "what is it do I have something on me?" I jump up nervously, "uh what no! I uh," I turn around clearing my throat and trying to avoid this situation. The next thing I know were in this weird engagement party with champagne. Everyone was shocked but just dealt with it. "So who's up for narcotics?" Cook says waving the bag of MDMA around. Some of us agreeed and went to the room in the back. Me Katie and effy to a sniff of some feelings the effects right away. "Weird girl hold this," cook says handing the drugs to pandora. Pandora eyes it and then puts the whole bag in her mouth. "Panda no," effy says but she did it already. "Hang on what are you doing?" Karen says. "What? Is that wrong?" "You aren't supposed to eat it..it goes up the nose," the girl getting married said. Me Katie and effy laughed feeling high off the drugs already. We then all went outside to dance. I felt the vibrations of the music travel through my body and my vision got a bit fluffy. I felt buzzed up and I started moving my hips to the music with a glass of champagne in my hand. Katie came close to be dancing and I bite my lip as I watched her. We started dancing together and spinning eachother around. She moved her hips against mine making the space between us limited and leaving me with less breath. I froze for a bit and then she moved a bit away realizing what just happened. We looked at eachother nervously then laughed and kept dancing around.

Once I got to my fourth bottle of champagne I just remembered people in the party fighting and us running out into some tunnel. Once we got There me and Katie kept laughing and playing with eachothers hair. "You almost got us killed in there cook," Freddie complained. "Well you know me I had to get laid," he says shrugging. "You're always trying to fucking get laid," Freddie says shaking his head. "Speaking of any of you girls fancy it?" Cook says looking towards me and Katie. Katie laughs, "no thanks. Your repulsive." Cook looks to me and I shake my head, "I don't do dick." Katie laughs and then we walk away towards effy and Pandora. "Weird girl?" Cook says. "You're beautiful but no. My tonsils feel all funny," Pandora says grabbing her face. Cook then turns to effy putting his hand on the wall beside her, "how bout it then peachy? Look like it's just you and me" effy chuckles a bit then looks at Freddie who is hoping she would say no. "Cmon Amy winehouse, home" she says grabbing pandora and walking down the tunnel. Me and Katie follow them lagging behind a bit. "So Katie why do you hate Naomi and not me?" I say. She was silent for a while but then came up, "because you're cooler duh" I laughed and raised my eyebrow. "Naomi is cool" "she tried to snog my sister unprovoked! And you didn't make any moves yet because you're respectful of straight people" I rolled my eyes in anger. "Katie has anyone ever told you how homophobic you are?" Katie stops walking for a momment, "huh?" I look at her for a second and I wanted to kiss her so bad. Why though? She just said something homophobic and plus she would probably slap me. But I couldn't care less. I went in to kiss her slowly meeting her soft lips. Surprisingly she didn't slap me away and our lips moved together in a surprising manner. Then Katie realized what happened and pushed me off. "Uh? Didn't I just say to n..." "you let me kiss you," I say shocked. She gulps nervously, "it's the MDMA. Don't ever do that again" she says walking a bit faster. I laugh to myself and shake my head.

Falling down (Katie Fitch x fem oc)Where stories live. Discover now