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chapter one,
you look tired.

el was making her way from her potions class out to the courtyard where she was meeting lila. it was the first week of school and they barely had anytime to catch up. of course during the summer they had sent multiple letters back and forth, but nothing compared to talking face to face.

el was the first to reach lila trailed only a few minutes behind. the girls shared a quick hug before making their way towards hogsmeade.

"sorry i'm a bit late, i stopped by our dorm to drop off my robe." lila explained. el only nodded in response. she didn't have her robes on either because the summer was just ending and it was still very hot. luckily most professors understood this and didn't make them wear their them as long as they still wore the proper uniform.

they made small talk on their walk to the small village, and decided they would go for butterbeers at the three broomsticks. the little bell rang as they walked through the door causing a few eyes to look up. they found a table against the wall and both sat down and ordered.

they both went on and on talking about how their summers went. el spent her entire summer at hogwarts mostly reading and exploring parts of the huge castle. lila spent most of her summer at her family's cabin by a beautiful lake. el had been invited to come, but her father said that it would be best if she stuck by him that summer. she didn't mind it though, she still had a wonderful summer in her opinion. el also found out that the wheeler's had joined them in the cabin halfway through their trip.

lila's dad and mikes parents had all attended hogwarts together, and had stayed close friends even after they graduated. it was honestly surprising for el to be hearing about this for the first time. she would have assumed the second lila found out, she would be writing a letter to el, but that wasn't the case. lila and mike never got along, even when he was nice to el, lila would glare at him like she wanted him to drop dead.

"so you spent half the summer with mike and i'm only hearing about this now?" el asked her with a hint of teasing in her voice.

she shrugged. "it was no big deal, and i could've sworn i mentioned it in a letter to you." she stated simply. because it really was no big deal to her. her and mike barely talked to each other, both just stayed to themselves with their own schedule.

el nodded before lila continued. "there's something different about him."

"like what?"

her lips pressed together not sure how to continue. "i don't know, he just seemed. . . like he was always in a mood. we didn't talk much but when we did he seemed upset."

"i'm sure it's nothing" el suggested.

"yeah you're probably right, it was just weird to me"

their conversation continued for another hour before they both decided it would be best for them to head back to hogwarts. el had defense against the dark arts homework and lila had to tutor another student. once the got to the castle they went their separate ways. el headed to the library to find the book she needed to complete her homework. she scanned through the bookshelves before finally finding it and she reached out to grab it. but before she could pull it off the shelf she noticed another hand on the book.

she looked up noticing the hand belonged to mike and she sighed.

"can you please get your hand off my book." he began.

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