Untitled Chapter 1

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I don't know where I am. I woke up surrounded by alluring trees and vines. The dirt is moist and as I sit up I can feel the wind blow my long, strawberry-blonde hair. It's getting dark and I hear wolves howling at the rising moon. I'm shaking, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm terrified or because I'm cold. It may be both.

"How did I get here?"

I whisper to myself. I mean, how does a fourteen-year-old girl end up in a forest like this alone? I stand up and realize just how small I am. These trees are colossal. I blink my wide, emerald green eyes as I remember where I came from. My name is Charlotte Eve Fitzpatrick and I come from Ireland. Glancing to my left, I notice a pile of leaves. It's moving. Why is it moving? Frightened and backing away slowly, I notice a little shoe poking out of the leaves.


A little boys head pops up.

"Hi, sissy."

At the sight of a small child popping out of a pile of leaves, I am startled and I jump.

"Damn kid, you scared me."

I say as I shakingly pick him up, and out of the leaves

"Where are we? How did we get here?"

The six year old says, with a puzzled look.

"Im not sure, buddy. I woke up here just as confused as you."

Lincoln is my whole world. I remember the day he was born, I was eight years old. Our mother let me meet him in the hospital, and it was the happiest day of my life. He was so small and helpless. The first time I held him, the feeling was indescribable. He was so soft and almost seemed breakable. I knew, as his big sister, I had to protect him forever.


The little boy said while looking up at me with his big blue eyes and tugging on my shirt.

"Yes, Linky?"

"I'm so hungry. Can we get a happy meal?"

"Err, I don't think they have happy meals around here, but I'm getting hungry too. I guess we should take a look around and see if we can find something to eat."


Lincoln said, hanging his head in disapointment.


And with that, we were off; walking into a new horizon. Frankly, whatever happened to us, I knew we would be better off. As long as mom and dad don't ever have the satisfaction of hurting us again, I knew we would be ok. Lincoln and I come from a hell that most people will never experience. Our dad drank so much he could hardly walk, yet somehow it made him invincible. Too strong to fight off when his football team lost and I was his anger target. But I would rather it be me than my brother. Our mom was too busy shooting up drugs to even notice me and Lincoln were there. Her eyes were dead as stone and her heart was cold as snow. They never loved us, but even as a child, I knew I wanted better for Lincoln than what I had. I've been taking care of him since the day we got home from the hospital. I wanted him to know what love was, even if i never got it from my parents. I have been raising myself for as long as i can remember.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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