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Victoria Turner looked up from her newspaper as she heard a scream coming from the back of their country cottage. Victoria's wife, Marilyn Turner, turned and grinned from where she was washing a couple plates.
"I think our daughter may of made prefect Vicky"

Victoria raised an eyebrow and brushed her dark brown hair out of her eyes as she went back to her article. She took a sip from her coffee then placed it back onto the kitchen table.
"How on earth she managed to get that is a mystery to me. How many detentions did she get last year again?"

"It was only three, love"

"Exactly, three too many if you ask me"

"Well no one did Mum" Blair Turner said walking into the kitchen with a wide smile, shaking her curly bob all of the place, "beside its not like it was my fault."

Blair had brought her Hogwarts returning letter out into the kitchen for her parents to look over and with it, her new shiny prefects badge. Marilyn quickly made her way over to Blair and pulled her into a strong hug while telling her how proud she was. Victoria settled for a smile and a nod of the head.

"Now we only have to wait two more years until you become Head Girl"
Marilyn said sitting down at the breakfast table and freeing her blonde locks from her messy bun. Blair shook her head as she joined her.

"I highly doubt that Mama, I heard that Cate Nickels has been getting straights O's for Four years and hasn't had one detention or had any points taken off. People say that she's already planning all the events she's gonna hold when she makes Head Girl."

Victoria look unimpressed at her daughter.
"Well that's just plain stupid. Just sabotage her, obviously. She'll get over it."



Victoria looked back up exasperated,
"What? She's a Slytherin, if anything they should expect it."

Blair looked across the table at her mother, and stared fixing herself some cereal.
"You know it's people like you that give Slytherins a bad rept."

"No, I'm pretty sure it's all the death eaters, Bee."

Marilyn shook her head with a smile at her family's banter. Her and Victoria had gotten married just over twenty years ago. While Victoria had attended Hogwarts, and even made Head Girl, (although due to the previous conversation Mari assumed that some serious sabotaging went on), Marilyn herself was home schooled by her parents and other tutors back home in Italy. Her parents being wealthy enough to afford many tutors for any subject she wanted to work at, although the only friends she ended having were all kids of her parents friends, which made for a very lonely childhood.

When Mari passed her home NEWT's with flying colours, she soon moved over to England and began working at the Ministry of Magic in the international affairs department. This is where she meet Victoria. Victoria herself at the time had just graduated Hogwarts and began her training as an aurour. She had bumped into Marilyn by chance and they soon hit it of. Victoria was absolutely taken by her looks and beautiful personality and Marilyn couldn't help but admire Vickys courage and cutting wit. The two made a very attractive pair.

It only took about a year for Victoria to propose and then another five for Mari to fall pregnant. This, of course came as a surprise to both of them, because, well, they are both cisgender women, and Victoria is lacking a certain instrument generally needed for conception but a quick trip to St Mungos confirmed that a same sex couple can fall pregnant it's just harder to do so since both members have to have the magical cores in sync. Well that and some other technical medical stuff that neither Victoria nor Marilyn could be bother listening too because they were too overjoyed with the fact that they were going to have a baby.

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