Chapter 0 - Introduction

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Sedona walked into the library, where she knew she would find Theo. She walked through the maze-like shelves until she found him sitting on the floor, a stack of books next to him.

"Theo," Sedona said, quietly so that she didn't startle him. Theo looked up in surprise. "I'm sorry to interrupt your reading, but there's something important I need to talk to you about."

"What is it?" Theo asked.

"Er, well... it's kind of a private matter. Would you like to talk about it somewhere more private? We can go to my office." Sedona said.

Theo nodded. "Sure. Lead the way."

He followed Sedona to her office. It was a small room lined with bookshelves, with a small desk in the center. The desk had books piled up on top of it, but one stood out to Theo. It had gold lining, and seemed to sparkle.

"What's that book?" He asked, pointing to it.

"That book," Sedona said. "Is what I need to talk to you about."


"We found it outside the library yesterday. It was sitting on the front steps. I brought it to the lab in the back to study it. None of the other kafna recognise it, and I don't either. There's no title, either." Sedona explained.

"So an unknown book just shows up at our front steps... have you read it yet? What's it about?" Theo asked.

"That's the odd part. Whenever any of us try to open it, it just... doesn't open." Sedona says. "That's why I brought you here. I want you to try to open it."

"Me? Why me?" Theo asked.

"Well, you're the only one who hasn't tried yet. You're our last hope." Sedona lied.

The truth was, she had always sensed something special about Theo. Maybe it was his ears. Maybe it was his golden blond hair. But whatever it was, she had a feeling that Theo would end up helping the great library, more than anyone would ever know.

"Okay, I'll try." Theo says.

He reaches for the book. His fingers linger on the front cover, until...


Hello! Thank you all for reading this! I'm pretty sure this is the first Magus of the Library fanfic, so I hope I can write it well!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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