"You look beautiful, Anne. Gilbert will absolutely die when he sees you. Speaking of which, it's time." Ruby said, dressed in a blue gown similar to Diana's.

"Thanks, Ruby."

She nodded, smiling in anticipation.

Marilla squeezed my hands and walked out the door. Following her, I stood behind Diana and Fred, who were the maid of honor and best man, respectively. Fred nodded at me as the music started playing, and with that began to lead the procession forward.

I took a deep breath. This was it. These were the last seconds of my life before getting married. Married to the man I loved.

I had never been happier.

I walked through the churches ornate double doors and the audience stood up all around me. Gilbert was standing at the altar, dressed in a fitted black suit with a white tie.

My breath caught in my throat. This was really happening.

And I was walking myself down the aisle.

It was something Gilbert and I had talked about in the time between getting engaged and now.

We had been sitting at the dinner table eating lasagna with wedding magazines strewn all over the table when I proposed the idea that I could walk myself down the aisle, because I couldn't imagine anyone aside from Matthew walking me to my soon-to-be husband. Gilbert agreed to the notion immediately.

Now, as I stood still at the beginning of the carpeted walkway, I smiled, and I watched as Gilbert smiled back. I began to walk forward.

And then, as I was turning towards Gilbert at the altar, I saw it. An empty seat next to Marilla.


Gilbert, knowing what I was looking at, place a hand tenderly on my cheek. "He's here, Anne."

I slid my hand into his as we turned towards the patient wedding officiant.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Gilbert and Anne." The officiant spoke. "May you all remember and cherish this ceremony, for we witness an act of the greatest love.  May your love never fail.

"Who gives this bride today?"

"I do." Marilla says.

The officiant smiles.

"If there is anyone in attendance who has cause to believe this couple should not be joined in marriage, you may speak now or forever hold your peace." Gilbert and I held our breath until the officiant smiled comfortingly at us.

"Marriage is an ancient human tradition. The personal and social merits that accompany marriage have led to it's continued endurance and have paved the way for us to be standing here in front of the universe celebrating the union of these two people.

"As we celebrate this bond of unity today it is important that we keep in mind that, while this is certainly an occasion of tremendous joy, the promises that we witness here today are serious and life-altering commitments. Love, it has been noted, is the reason we live. It is with simultaneous feelings of elation and expressions of respect that we proceed."

"At this time, I would be overjoyed to invite the couple to share their vows. Gilbert, would you please deliver yours first?" The officiant says.

Gilbert, his hand still cradling mine, turned to face me.

"Anne," he smiled. "I vow that I am utterly devoted to you. While I can't argue that we didn't have a rough start, I'm beyond happy that I stand here with you now. I try to imagine what the rest of my life with you will be like, but in all honesty I can't get past the fact that I get to see your smile for the rest of my life. I want to get lost with you, my love. I want to explore every inch of this Earth we can find, if it means I can keep you around. You are my everything. I'm in love with you, Anne."

The officiant's smile grows. "And now Anne, would you deliver your vows?"

"Gilbert," I say, trying to keep my tears from falling. "Oh, my god.. I had this whole speech prepared and I can't remember any of it," I wave my hands in front of my face manically while the crowd chuckles softly. "It was gonna be so much better than yours, you prat."

I took a deep breath to gather myself.

"Gil, I have loved you in secret longer than I can remember. So long, in fact, that it was a secret even to myself. I'm not sure when I decided that your smile was the one I wanted in my life, all I know is that it's true. I spent years of my life alone, and I was able to convince myself I was okay.  But when you came along, you made me realize I was wrong. You are the deepest desire of my soul, I couldn't imagine going through life without you. I love you so much, Gil."

People in the crowd were sniffling and wiping tears from their eyes, but I could only look at Gilbert.

"Gilbert, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, and to stand by her in sickness and in health, in joy and in sadness, in life and in death?"

"I do."

"Anne, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, and to stand by him in sickness and in health, in joy and in sadness, in life and in death?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife! May your marriage be infinite and prosperous! You may now kiss the bride!"

As the crowd cheered, Gilbert swept me into his arms and kissed me.

"Hello, Mrs. Blythe." He said with a smirk.

"Hello, Mr. Blythe." I replied with a smile.

From that point on, Anne and Gilbert spent the rest of their lives together, dancing in the kitchen, carefully placing fresh picked flowers in vases as a surprise for the other, cuddling on their porch swing,  and wasting nights away by laughing into the darkness.

It was their version of a crazy, slightly lazy, wild life.

And it was perfect.

Wild Ones (shirbert)Where stories live. Discover now