My life as a Paraplegic

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Sitting here in my chair, I look at my surroundings. Children are running and playing games in the park, two girls are walking down the street and an old couple are hand in hand as they cross the bridge. I envy them. I envy every single one of them. They have freedom. They could go where they wish and do what they want. 

Sometimes I wish I had never gone away that winter.


It was the perfect day. The sky was of a clear bright blue with not a cloud in sight. There was a gentle breeze creating a light snow fall over the slopes - a typical day in February on the Alps.

I was standing at the top of a black run with my knees shaking in fear, thinking about how I got here and laughing at how stupid I was. If only I had listened to mother when she gave out the instructions, I wouldn’t be in this mess right now.  But when you think about it, how is it my fault? How was I to know where each of the lifts went to? They weren’t even signposted with clear instructions stating where they went. So really I didn’t do anything wrong and I was falsely informed.

But no matter whose fault it was, I was still stranded there with only one way down. That could possibly lead to my death. So after thinking about it, I decided I had two options. I could stay there and freeze to death, hoping that somebody would soon realise that I had no intention of going down the slope and that they would rescue me. Or I could attempt to go down the slope and hope for best and try not to die or break every bone in my body.

Ten terrifying minutes later and I was still stuck at the top of this dangerous slope undecided. All the confidence was drained out my body. I was alone.

After a while I realised there was no point in just standing there. I decided to sit down near the lift. Sitting there I saw a small family of three. They all had a look of confidence across their face as they got ready to ski down the slope. I felt the ice cold wind on my face as it came down from the mountains. I could smell the trees from the forest to the right of me .I could hear the sound of skis hitting the snow.

Suddenly clouds appeared in the sky and snowflakes the size of pennies started falling. You could see the fear in other people’s faces. It was happening.

 I knew that I had to get off the mountain.  Slowly I started walking to the top of the slope. My earlier fear that a felt before doubled. There was no way out. Finally I reached the edge of the slope; positioned my feet and leaned forward.

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Far too soon, I felt the wind rushing past my face. I was flying down the mountain at a rapid speed. Certain I was about to die.

I shut my eyes preparing myself for the pain that was about to come. But it never came. Was I dead? , was it all over? I slowly started to open my eyes, all I saw was darkness. Is this what it felt like to be dead?

Suddenly I heard shifting footsteps. There was someone else there beside myself.

I tried moving so that I could follow the footsteps. But my whole body was numb. I felt as if someone has taken my body away from me and that is no longer attached to me. 

I started to panic. Why could I not feel my body? It was there and I could see it. But I could not feel it.

I started shouting for help; surely the footsteps would hear me. They were the only way I would get out of here.

Suddenly I saw a figure in the distance moving toward me. I started shouting louder. Help was here. 

Little did I know, that was the last time that I would be able to ski.


After that day I have never walked again. Paraplegic's can’t.  Spending most of my days sitting in this chair, I can only dream about snow filled days in the Alps.

I was sixteen then, young with my whole life ahead of me .I was invincible. When I look back at that day, I think about how my life could have been if there hadn't been a storm that day.


My life as a Paraplegic ( On Hold )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang