Chapter 1

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(I forgot to mention your mask. Well, about that.

This is your mask

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This is your mask.

I'm writing this stuff from the manga.

So if things seem more short or different, you know the reason.)


"Mr. En. May I speak with you?" Fujita questioned while he silently walked into the room.

His face was grim.

"Hey, Fujita... I hear you went to the Hole for practice... And you lost your Partner. Don't tell me those rats from the Hole were responsible." En said while looking back at the other male.

Fujita shuttered from En's intimidating stare.

"It's... uhm... I'm afraid it's true. I just came from his funeral." En's eyes locked onto Fujita's shoes.

"And where are you hurrying to before you've even changed out of your funeral shoes?" En questioned. However, Fujita avoided this.

"There were three of them. A woman and a man with a reptile head." Fujita looked down. "I'm not sure why, but Magic had no effect on him." En snickered softly for a split second. But, that was before Fujita could notice.

"Your finger is broken. You can't use Magic." En pointed out while he grabbed his scissors a bit. "And if they really can neutralize spells, you'll die like Matsumura." En looked forward.

"I have a plan, sir..." Fujita responded lord enough for En to hear.

"The Hole... What a bucket of shit." En muttered.


"No trespassing?" Fujita yelled. "What the hell?!" He shouted again.

"The Portals to the Hole are temporarily closed." The doorman said. "Nobody can enter or return until further notice." He added.

"What?! I just got this damn thing!!" Fujita looked at the gun he had.

"You have a message from En." The doorman pulled out a paper. "It reads as follows..." The doorman mumbled.

"From En?" Fujita mumbled.

"'Fujita. Your first concern is to find a Partner to replace Matsumura.

I've already made some inquires on your behalf.

The lizard-man is more dangerous than I originally thought.

Magic doesn't faze him.

My sources tell me that over ten Sorcerers have gone missing in the Hole recently.

I've determined that he is the culprit.

Your mission is to find the Sorcerer who originally performed the lizard man's transformation.

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