Izuku nods and walks over to the swing set and sits down on one.

Meanwhile with Izumi

Izumi walks up to her friends the Todoroki and Bakugo twins.

Izumi: Hey guys.

Katsuki: Hi Izumi. You and Izuku went to the quirk doctor yesterday right? What are your quirks?

Izumi: I have a strong telekinesis quirk. But Izuku is quirkless. I'm worried he's still going to try and be a hero and get killed.

Shoto: Why don't we use our quirks on him and show him how dangerous they are.

Izumi: What?! No! Why would we do that?! I am not hurting my brother.

Katsumi and Shoka agree with what she had said.

Katsuki: Alright then. I guess he is just going to die trying to be a hero.

Izumi: Alright. We'll do it but we can't go to far.

They walk over to the swing set Izuku is on. He looks up and smiles at them thinking there going to play with him.

Izumi: Hey Izuku do you still want to be a hero?

Izuku: Yeah more than anything.

After he says that he's hit with an explosion.

Katsuki: Ha give it up! Your quirkless! You can't be a hero!

Shoto: Yeah! You useless Deku!

After that they started using there quirks to beat him up. After the beating Izuku was left there with burns, cuts and bruises. He gets up and started walking home. Once he reaches his house he walks through the door and his parents don't even spare a glance at him. This treatment continued until he was twelve.

Time Skip (Izuku is twelve now) Izuku POV

It has been 8 years of the abuse and neglect. Ever since the day I had been diagnosed quirkless I trained to the absolute limit. I wear weighted clothing on my torso, wrists, and shoulders. Each one weighs about 15 tons each with the one won my torso weighing 20 tons. Right now i'm sitting in class and the teacher is talking about some boring stuff. I already k is all this. I have enough knowledge to graduate college. I hear the bell ring and I get up to leave only to be stopped by the tormentors.

Katsuki: Sup nerd! You still trying to be a hero?

Izuku: *emotionless voice* Nope. Gave it up.

Shoto: Good. Just stay out of our way.

Izumi: Yeah you useless Deku!!

Then the usual beating started. There hits don't hurt anymore. But luckily for me this is the last beating i'm going to get from them. Tonight I plan on running away. I saved up a lot of money from doing some jobs. I'm going to a mountain range and living there to continue my training. Once there done they walk away and I stand up like nothing happened. A few people who saw me get beat up were surprised when I stood up completely fine minus my clothing. I walk home and climb through my window expecting the door to be locked. Once i'm in my room I grab my bag with the things I need like clothes and money. I leave a note on my desk with today's date so they can see how long I had been gone before they notice. I jump out my window and travel to the mountains.

Time Skip

I walk up the mountain and see a house. I'm confused by this cause I thought no one lived on this mountain. I walk up to the house and knock on the door but when I knock the door opens. I walk in seeing if anyone was in there. I walk around and don't see anyone. I open a door and it leads to a bedroom. The bedroom is mostly empty except for two boxes. One has straps on it like a backpack. I walk over to the box and as I go to open it it opens and a little girl crawls out and if that wasn't weird enough she suddenly grows to the height of someone my age

Izuku the user of all breathsWhere stories live. Discover now