"Would you care for a drink?" He asked, starting towards a corner of the room.

"Are you allowed to offer students alcohol?" Teasing in her words.

"My office hours are over for the day. As far as I'm concerned, we're just two adults." He turned to look at her still standing where he left her, "Wine or beer?"


He nodded, fixing her a glass of beer and himself wine. "I ferment and bottle it myself."

By the time he was ready to give her the glass, she was sitting on the grey couch close to the curtained windows. Good, she was becoming more relaxed.

He handed her the glass, using his own to do a small cheers with her. "To your bravery. I'm sure it was no easy task going behind your brother's back to come and talk to me."

She hummed quietly, letting the liquid pass through her lips. Her palate was immediately met with the earthy taste of pine and citrus. It was sharp and warm, her tastebuds reveling in it.

"I taste citrus and pine."

Lecter smirked after he took a sip of his own drink. "You have quite a keen palate." He replied. He was complimenting her; She just didn't know it.

"My parents were specific about what they allowed their children to eat. Only the finest foods produced by the best chefs would do."

Overbearing parents? Perfect.

"It must be hard," he started, sitting down next to her, "Having overbearing parents and an arrogant brother. Tell me, Abigail. Is he the favorite?"

She laughed, almost letting the alcohol escape her mouth. "Is he the favorite? Dr. Lecter, he's the sole heir to the Blackwater fortune. I was never even considered for the will. If my parents were to die today, my brother would be left with everything. I would have nothing but the clothes on my back and the bag in my hand. Even then my brother would still try to take that away from me."

Her situation couldn't have been any more perfect for his plan even if he had created it himself. Fortune and Fate were truly on his side.

"And how does all of this make you feel?" He pressed, wanting - no needing - to get inside of her head.

"Are you trying to psychoanalyze me, Dr. Lecter?" She looked him directly in the eyes. For a millisecond he thought she had caught on. But then she began to giggle. "I'm only playing. We can't help but be curious about others. And as Head of the Psychology Department, I would expect nothing less from you."

His eyebrows raised, another sip from his wine taken. "I apologize, Abigail. It is only out of pure curiosity I inquire such things. Psychoanalysis of a student is not my intention. Unless, of course, there is something truly remarkable about your mind." Another sip. "Tell me, is there?"

The brunette shook her head profusely, "Not at all."

"Pity. I would have loved to have a reason to have more in-depth conversations with you."

His comment stung slightly. It left a chip on her heart, a burn in her throat.

"Who says you need one?"

"My career." He said matter of factly, feigning indifference. "If someone was to take notice of a student and professor spending too much time together for no reason at all... rumors would fly. My career, my whole life, could slip through my fingers."

"I could find a reason." She couldn't say why but she felt the need to have more conversations with this man. He was magnetic and she was drawn to him. Her whole life she had been a shadow but now someone was treating her like a light.

"And what would that be?"

She was walking into his trap. She was giving herself a reason to see him. A reason he hadn't put in her mouth. She would believe the idea of continuing to see him as her very own.

"Let me choose a book from your collection. When I've finished, we can discuss it to exhaustion. If I need to, just as a safety net, I can write reports on my readings and incorporate our conversations into them. That way, if anyone points a finger, we have proof that our conversations are academic and professional."

He stared at his wine, pretending to mull over the idea in his brain. He looked back up, a slight smirk on his lips. "You should go pick your first book, Miss Blackwater."

Her lips instantly curled into a smile, her straight teeth on display. "Thank you, Dr. Lecter." She handed him her glass and quickly scampered over to the ladder.

He had watched as she ascended it. He had watched as her finger traced over the spines as she walked past the multiple bookcases. He had watched as she pulled one from the shelf. He had watched as she showed it to him for approval. He had watched as she descended the ladder. He just watched, his eyes never faltering.

"I expect to hear from you in a week."

She nodded in understanding.

After goodbyes were exchanged, he had watched as she left.

Now, three hours later, he watched her from his car. The window to her dorm room was open, giving him an unobstructed view of her. She was laying on her bed, stomach to the mattress, ankles crossed, book open and in hand.

After one conversation she was already doing what he asked. He had her right where he wanted her.

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