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Severus felt his face go a hot shade of rose.

Lily gave his arm a gentle nudge. "Well? Are you gonna ask him or what?" She quipped, a bit of a grin on her face. Sev swallowed, wringing his hands a little. "I actually, uh, don't know if I can." He squeaked, his voice trembly. Lily pulled him aside, away from the hoards of other eighth years coming down the corridor. "Aw c'mon! Yes you can! We went through everything you need to do, there's no way he'll say no."

"I mean...there is, but-"

"He won't be mean, Sev. You two have been friends ever since you started school here." Lily said confidently. She patted Severus on the back, and he felt more reassured.

Severus sighed and nodded in agreement. "You're right. Worst thing he'll do is be polite."

Lily smiled and nudged her friend again. "That's the spirit. Now go on, he's coming this way!"

Severus trotted down the corridor as Lucius passed. He dodged a few students before finally catching up to him. "Lucius!" He called, the blonde male glancing over his shoulder. "Hi Severus!" He greeted, giving a little crow of delight. He slowed his pace so Severus could walk beside him. Sev offered a sheepish smile, his heart hammering at the sight of those sparkling bluish eyes.

Lucius struck up his usual conversation about class and grades and how he wished he could still play Quidditch, but Severus could barely pay attention. His burning question needed an answer, and the fact that he kept staring dazedly at Lucius was not going to help him. He needed to know, badly. He had waited and tried to fight his nerves, and still was. Don't force it, wait a little bit longer. He didn't want to seem pushy or rude.

Eventually there was a break in the casual small talk. There it was, Severus's opportunity, right there. Ignoring the gross fluttering of the butterflies in his stomach, his dark gaze went back to the Malfoy. "Lucius? I-uh, I need to ask you something."

Lucius looked back over to him, still smiling. "Of course, ask away." He purred.

Alright. Almost there.

"So, I've been meaning to ask this sooner, but I didn't know how you would feel. I've liked you a lot for a long time. A bloody long time. But I've been, um, just really nervous lately—"

He stopped short when he felt a brushing sensation on the back of his hand. Sev was about to ignore it, but then his fingers became laced with Lucius's. The other Slytherin hadn't stopped smiling, but feigned not noticing the gesture, patiently waiting for Severus's question. Severus began furiously blushing again, his brain egging him on but the words unable to form on his tongue. He was going to blow it if he didn't hurry up and spit it out. Oh come on. What was the hold up? They were already holding hands!

"Lucius?! Um, d-do you want to be my boyfriend?"

The words had finally spluttered out of him, like soda gushing from a shaken bottle. Severus met the pearly gray gaze once again, his heart pummeling against his ribs. Lucius gave a soft sigh of content. "I knew you'd ask." He replied,

his tone silky as his long, platinum locks. Lucius stepped closer, leaning in to kiss Severus on the cheek. "Of course I do. You're perfect for me, Sev." He cooed after he pulled away a bit. Severus relax, now able to smile while his nerves melted away.

They walked the rest of the way to class, hand in hand, their hearts full.

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