Get him back (1)

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Travelling around Wildemount fighting and being heroes took its toll on everyone. It is a tiring and rewarding job to do but it's hard, especially when you are grieving. Always being on the move with this little family while trying to get over a loss was harder than you thought.

You loved the Mighty Nein with every piece of your heart; no doubt about that. You had stood with them in countless battles and you loved the nights celebrating the successes and just life in general but something was missing.

someone was missing

Mollymauk Tealeaf - killed by Lorenzo's hand while you were on a mission to rescue Fjord, Yasha and Jester from their new lives in slavery. He gave his life so the three could have their own back.

There were no words to describe how you felt when you lost him. You couldn't do anything to help expect freeze in Lorenzo's arms as he forced you to watch the life drain from Molly's crimson eyes. It had been more than a year but the memory replayed everyday.

When travelling from place to place you liked to spend the days lying on your back in the cart making shapes in the sky and cloud gazing. Today was one of those days and all that was on your mind was a certain lavender tiefling.

"Do you think he's alive?" You whispered, glancing up at Yasha as you were currently using her lap as a pillow. Meeting the gaze, her eyes were soft but full of conflicting emotions; grief , love, uncertainty.

"I don't know. I like to believe that he is out there somewhere trying to return to us but some nights I just hope he is safe and watching over everyone."

Your vision blurred as tears started to stream down your face. Yasha may have been shy but she had a way with her words of wisdom and her gentle voice made it harder to keep emotions bottled up and locked away.

Tears were pouring but you didn't have the energy to cry properly. You were still numb. Yasha wrapped her arms around you and moved so you could cry into her shoulder. The rest of the Nein gave comfort but still stayed silent as you hadn't grieved in their presence and they didn't know how to react to your mental walls fracturing in front of them.

Bandaged hands gently moved your face to meet their ocean blue eyes before grasping your hands in theirs. "You never know what that tiefling could be up to. He could be alive and trying to take over Wildemount, scheisse even Exandria, for all we know. I have a feeling that isn't the last we've heard of Mollymauk Tealeaf."


456 words

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