Part 2

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Hinata lights up . " Really???? I like romcoms but I think a horror movie would be fun !" he looks up at him as he car comes to a stop . Hinata hops out and runs to open the door for Kageyama .He opens the door and bounces " Lets stop and get snacks at the convince store !" "Oh I don't know!!" Kageyama growled, shuffling over to the snacks before picking out a small bag of chips and a carton of milk out of the cooler. "I don't watch horror movies. That's not my thing. Oi, you done yet?!" Kageyama placed his snacks on the counter and waited for the orange haired boy to finish gathering up his snacks. He bounced over the the counter paying for their snacks and kags milk . They head to the house. "Why do you like milk so much Kageyama?'' He skipped along the road eating a pork bun . "Want a bite ?" He holds it up for the taller boy. Kageyama sighed, looking down at the smaller boy who was offering him up the meat bun. "Because milk is good. That's all. And sure, I guess." He took the bun from the other before taking a small bite out of it. "I've had better." He snickered before handing it back to the other. He chuckles before finishing off the bun. hey arrive back at the house his mom and site were at his grandparents so it was just him at the house. He unlocks the door and flips on the lights removing his shoes and holding the door for Kageyama. " Welcome to my home it's not fancy or anything but it's home" He smiled at Kageyama . Hinata plops on the couch . " Sugawara said The Grudge is pretty good should we try that one out?" He pats beside him waiting for the other boy to join him ."Alright.." Kageyama nodded, taking a glance around Hinata's house. It was small, yet quite cozy. He smiled to himself before walking over into the living space where Hinata sat on the couch. "The Grudge? Sounds interesting." Hinata turns on the movie and watches the screen intently. It isn't long before he is spooked and jumps a little. He ended up quite close to Kageyama before he hits his breaking point and latches on to the taller boy terrified ."Hinata what the heck!? It's not that scary!" Kageyama huffed, gently pushing the other boy off of him. "You almost made me spill my milk." Kageyama then took a long swig of his milk before reverting his eyes back to the television set. "If you get scared... you can hold my hand, alright..?" He looks up at him shocked before gently taking his hand . He lightens up instantly and relaxed. The movie slowly but surely ends and HInata was now asleep his head resting on Kageyamas shoulder .Once the movie had come to an end, Kageyama had noticed that the other had fallen fast asleep next to him. He knew it would be rude to wake Hinata up, so he made sure to keep his voice low. "Dumbass... You didn't even get through the good part of the movie..." Kageyama whispered, slowly taking Hinata's upper body in his hands as he laid the boy down gently upon the couch. He made sure that there were no snacks or wrappers on the couch before resting a thick blanket on top of the sleeping boy. He then made sure the TV was properly turned off before gathering up all of their trash they had gathered during the movie and threw it out for the sake of Hinata in the morning. The idea came across for him to leave, however part of him didn't want to leave Hinata alone in the dark house. 'I can just leave early in the morning... I'm sure Hinata won't mind.' Kageyama thought, walking back into the living space and removed a small pillow off of a chair and placed it on the floor. He then laid down and stared up at the ceiling before drifting off into a deep sleep. Hinata wakes up around 2am and sees a sleeping Kageyama on the floor . He swings his legs to the side of the couch before crouching next to Kageyama and shaking him gently. "Kags?" He shakes him rubbing his shoulder . With an ugly snort, Kageyama woke up suddenly. "Erg... What...? What's wrong, Hinata..?" Kageyama whispered, his voice quite groggy from sleeping. He then sat up and looked the other boy in the face. It took his eyes a second to adjust, however he could make out the outline of the other's fluffy hair. "What time is it..?""2am , I figure my bed beats the floor" He offered him a hand up before leading him to his bed room. "You can have the bed , I'll take the floor mkay ?" and with that he set off to make himself a pallet on the floor. He grabbed some blankets before stopping . " Would yo rather I sleep in my moms room? That way you can have your privacy?" He looked at Kageyama, eyes shining the way the the dew on the grass reflected sunlight in the early morning. He shifted his weight yawing, obviously very tired. " Yeah, maybe that's a good idea , wouldn't want you to have to put up with me anymore than you have to. Kageyama shook his head for a couple seconds. "Hinata, you can sleep on your bed. I don't want for you to be uncomfortable. I can sleep on the floor, alright?" He spoke softly as he took the pillows and blankets from the other boy and placed them all on the ground at the foot of Hinata's bed. "I already fell asleep on the floor out in the living room... I don't mind." He yawned before plopping back down on the floor in Hinata's bedroom. "Night...""Night...." He Lays looking up at the ceiling for about thirty minuets before speaking up . " Kageyama? I can't sleep ..... I'm still spooked by the movie " He crawls to the foot of the bed to look at Kageyama . He sighs assuming he is asleep and crawls back up trying to get to sleep. "Dumbass, I cant sleep with you staring over me..." Kageyama whispered loudly, sitting up and peeking over the foot of Hinata's bed. "Oi. You scared? You were barely awake for the good part of the movie." He stood up and walked over to Hinata's bedside before sitting down. "What do you want me to do...? Sleep with you or something? I don't think there's enough space in this tiny ass bed of yours." "oh you're awake..." he chuckles to himself "sorry , i'm just a big baby. He rolls over to try and go to sleep but doesn't feel a weight shift off his bed. "Kageyama ?" He rolls over to face him."Hinata, it's okay to be scared. It was... kinda scary, even for me." Kageyama sighed, looking over at the boy's face. Kageyama's own face was reflecting how tired he was. "Look, I know you're scared. Scoot over, Dummy." Kageyama then pushed the tiny boy over and crawled into bed next to him. "We don't talk about this, ever, understand!?" With another grumble, Kageyama pulled Hinata's comforter over them both and closed his eyes. Hinata stares in absolute awe at kageyama . Before scooting over to allow space for him . He stays quite the only sound filling the room was kageyama's steady breathing . Hinata watched his chest rise and fall . " T-thank you " he lays back down silently and starts to drift asleep. 

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