Adam was in a carrier due to the injury , he may have been a hawk and a jerk and is a cake-eater but he is apart of the team now and we need him . "Did it go in?" Adam asked Jesse "Yeah man" slightly concerned "Jesse, do me a favour and kick some hawk but" i laughed and smiles at Banks "Sure Cake-Eater" Jesse said Laughing , i placed my hand on Adams "Take care Banks .... And were gonna win this game ... For you" i said kindly "No ... Do it for the ducks" i smiled "Alright cake-eater for the ducks ."

We were all angry and at the bench as coach came by , we all asked if we can have a go at em for hurting our player , "No, No were better than that" Coach responded "But coach they hurt Adam they cheated" i protested , "I know that" , "Look, it's time we play smart hockey. Duck hockey. All right? Now we got the power play." i nodded in agrement .

"Were gonna hit em' were it hurts the most" Coach said pointing to the score board , "Up there...Fulton your in" , "Coach they'll be rushin' him" Averman spoke aloud "Right" Coach thought "Jesse , Make sure you give Fulton plenty of time" , "What about me coach i can defend them" i spoke aloud in suggestion "No they already went after Banks they'll be after you next" I nodded knowing he was right . The players went of before coach stopped him "Let's have fun out there!" .

I stood up by coach to cheer them all on . "GET THE FACE OFF!" Bombay shouted . I watched as Fulton winded up "Cmon Fulton you got this" i muttered to myself , he made the shot and Hawk players got out the way and the puck hit the Goalie knocking him backwards into the net and buzzer went off , we all cheered as we made another point 3-2 .

The game started back up as i watched . I saw a few of our players get knocked down . We managed to have the puck before quickly loosing it , the hawks made another score and i groaned sitting back down on the bench instead of standing like i previously was .

We all sat down sweaty and slushing water through our mouths . "Guys! Guys! Guys! Listen up! We have got to stay fired up and focused alright? . It ain't over til its over" Bombay couraged us .

"Tammy, Tommy , lets show these hawks something really different . Come here" we all huddled in as coach whispered the plan to us .

It was the third period and Tammy and Tommy were out to do the plan . I saw Tammy beginning to spin like crazy distracting the Hawk players , "Now!" Tommy yelled and Tammy stopped spinning as Tommy passed her the puck making another goal as we cheered .

I lookes at the score board and smiled 4-3 . One of the Hawk players push Tammy , Fulton went out towards them and i scrammbled to try and stop him "Fulton no!" i shouted after him but it was no use , Fulton went behind McGill and flippes him over and into the benches , i skated over to get him as Hawk players began to push and he pushed back i pushed to players making them fall back into the benches and scoffed , refs came over and grabbed us "what! I was trying to stop him and those stupid jerk-faces!" i rolled my eyes as we passed coach "Sorry coach" Fulton apolized "What? They barley touched them" i scoffed sitting down in the box next to Fulton .

The game started back up again as both teams stuggled to have control over the puck . I finally got out of the box and went to coach "Alright oreo line! I want you to remeber whag we learned . Ducks stick together right" "Yeah!" we shouted back "so lets see it show me flying V and Amelia you join them have fun" i smiled and noddes heading out onto the ice .

We skated as Terry had the puck and we waited for the singnal. "FLYING "V"!" Bombay shouted , we followed Terry behind the goal to form the flying V , we stopped , huddled then skated out forming a V passing the puck back a forth to each other .

Once we got close enough to the goal me and the others shoved the players down as Jesse had the puck , he shifted the puck back and forth and and..... HE SCORES!

I through my arms up and cheered , 4-4 we were tied! . We huddled in a group on the ice cheering in victory . The crowds chanted in sync quaking , we went back over to coach and high fived the others .

I sat out once again but happy we were able to tie it . We manage to snag the puck at 5 seconds left and Conway had it making his way to the goal as we cheered at 1 second he was pushed "Hey! Wheres the call!" Coach shouted at the ref .

The ref came over as well as Charlie and the others , "Okay we have a penalty shot for the ducks!" the ref told coach , "Alright ducks whos gonna take it?" Coach asked "I think Guy should take it" someone suggested .

"What about Charlie?" Coach asked making us have weird looks except for me , "What about Charlie?" Goldberg said "All he does is fan" pete said and i slapped his shield over his face to shut him up , "Coach we have a chance to win" Charlie said doubtful , "Dame straight we do" coach said with such confidence , he and Charlie turned away from the group to talk alone as we all stared while they whispered .

Charlie skated back over to us and we patted him on the back and he stopped in front of me with his rosey cheeks . I smiled at him "You got this captain" he smiled and hugged me , "Thanks for everything Amelia" he said and skated back out onto the ice .

"Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!" we chanted in sync .

He began skating towards the ice and in my eyes it felt like everthing went in slow motion as i watched the boy i liked since i saw him skate towards the goal his shot demending on our future as the ducks . I watched as he got closer to the goal , whined up . My breathing stopped and soon the buzzer went off as i cheered and glort hugging my teamates we beat the hawks! We won! .

We skated our onto the ice and hugged Charlie and huddled into a group joy in us all as finally we beat our tourmenters our enimes as the ducks! . I hugged my dad "We did it dad we beat them we won!" i said muffled into his shoulder "Im so proud of you Amelia and i know your mother and brother is too" i smiled and pulled away to hug my best friends . It wad the best day of our lives because we won.

We went from a loosing scrawny team of looser trouble making kid to winning as Mighty Ducks

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें