Prologue: Beginning A New Life

Start from the beginning

"I... I don't remember what it was about" I tell her. "But it felt like I was right there, like it was really happening..." I scratch my head gently as I try to wrap my brain around the dream, why did it make me cry? I've never woken up in tears like this before...

"Y'know, you've only been living here for five days now so you're probably still adjusting to things" she points out, a logical point. I was brought to Wammy's House only a month after my 8th birthday and I'm still getting used to the pace of how things go around here, it's only makes sense that I'm nervous about being in a new place with new people and surroundings.

"Yeah, you're right" I agree with her analysis, but as I was thinking about getting some more sleep before I have to get up, the pale light filtering through the blinds catch my attention, it is already daybreak and the orphanage likes to have us all up early so I'd only get an hour sleep at the most before they have the caregivers knocking on our doors. Deciding there's no point in trying to get the extra shuteye, I get up with a stretch.

"I'm gonna head in early, I heard from Roger that they're serving bacon and eggs for breakfast today" I smile before getting changed out of my pyjamas and get ready for the day.

✞   A Few Minutes Later   ✞

As I make my way into the cafeteria I smile and wave as I walk past a head of white hair sitting on his own in the corner, his attention focused away from his food and more onto the toy robot he was holding. I remember him from my first day here, although he isn't much of a talker he's the smartest kid in Wammy's House from what I've heard from the others here.

My curiosity stirs whenever I see him, I want to befriend Near but from what I can tell he likes to be alone, I don't want to make him uncomfortable so I take a seat next to a few kids I recognised from yesterday.

If I'm being honest, another reason is because another kid picks on me every time I try to talk to Near, Linda told me his name is-

"Ow!" I groan as I feel a fist bump into the back of my head as I turn to catch a glance of blue eyes look down on me in distain as he passed me, I turn back to the plate in front of me with a scowl before piling a bit of everything onto the fork before scoffing it down.

"Mello giving you a hard time again?" My eyes shift over to a girl sitting beside me with black hair and green eyes, I don't remember her name but she looks older than me by a few years. I don't reply due to my mouth being full but I give a slow nod before swallowing.

"He's always rough on the new kids, by the end of the week he'll leave you alone" she tells me, although I'm unsure if she is reassuring me or just telling me to deal with it. But I pay no mind as my focus veers off in the direction of the boy with the blonde hair and the blue eyes sitting across from a boy who refused to put his game down while he ate. Despite the fact that Mello has treated me like dirt since I arrived here, something in me wants to know more about him. Kind of like Near.

I think I want to be friends with him, but... He doesn't give me the time of day. Why do I want to be friends with someone who has it out for me anyway? Something tells me it's because he reminds me so much of another boy I knew from the orphanage before Wammy's. He was a trouble maker with a mean streak, but he had a few close friend who he cherished, maybe he's like that too?

I finish up my breakfast around the some time as everyone else and Rodger comes on to announce it was time for exams, followed by a sigh from everyone in the room before we all began walking into the direction of the exam hall as we prepared ourselves.

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