2. Everybody Dance Now

Start from the beginning

In the juice bar
"So, welcome. Not only to A-troupe but, you know, E-girls" Emily told Chloe. She replies with "thank you."
"Us E-girls are just hanging out and talking. Carly is not here because she doesn't want to be in the E-girls and no matter how hard me and Emily try to get her in. She doesn't want to" Riley said.
"I'm really excited" Chloe said. Stephanie looks over to Chloe "we are like a family" she said.
"The juice bar is basically just a place for all of us to hang out if we ever want a break from dance" Riley said.
As the E-girls where chatting away, Carly walked in and saw them do the E-girls hand shack.
"Pretty much you start with a e and then you have to, like, connect with someone else to make a g. Emily told me this even though I'm not an E-girl. But nobody else knows, apart from me and the E-girls, so don't tell anyone!" Carly said while laughing.
Carly got her juice then walked out as Giselle was coming in. They smiled and each other. Giselle walked over to sit with the E-girls and they went quiet. Emily pulls Giselle to the side to talk to her. "Look, it, just like there's rules in the studio, there's also rules in E-girls. And to be in E-girls, you have to be in A-troupe Giselle" Emily told her.
"Telling Giselle was hard, we are really good friends, and I do care about her a lot. But at the same time rules are rules, and I don't believe in the saying rules are made to be broken" Emily said.
"I'm not to happy about what Emily say's to Giselle. I mean because she's not in A-troupe she's not a part of the E-girls, and I just don't agree with that" Riley says.
"I guess, I'll just see you guys later" Giselle said then walked away to studio A.
"It really hurts not being in E-girls anymore but I understand why Emily kicked me out. I mean, I'm not in A-troupe any more" Giselle told the camera.

"If I danced like I just did now, I would have been in A-troupe. I got way to comfortable and that will never happen again" Giselle said.

In the office there is Kate and Chris talking about who should be dance captain. "Dance captain. Who's gonig to be dance captain this year?" Kate replied with "Emily, of course."
"I know she can do it, she's done it in the past. She's what we need" Kate said.
Chris disagreed with Kate "I think we should give the torch to somebody else. It's a fresh year, fresh start, fresh dance captain" he said.
"If it was up to me, I would choose Michelle in a heartbeat" Chris explains.
Kate disagreed with having Michelle as she knows nothing about her.
"She was dance captain at her last studio, let's see what she brings to this studio" Chris said.
" I still think Emily is the better dance captain but I can absolutely see Chris's side of things" Kate said.

Riley and Giselle are walking to the studio together while talking. "So, did Emily send you the picture of our kittens?" Riley asked. Giselle smiled and said "oh, they are so cute! Wait, is the one with moustache yours?"  Riley nodded her head. "He's the cutest, he's my favourite!" They both laughed.
"Right now, me and Giselle are just headed to the studio for our first day of rehearsals" Riley said to the camera.
As they carried on walking Giselle asked Riley "So, has Emily talked to you about getting me back into A-troupe?" Riley replied with "um, she's mentioned it. I'm just not too sure what her plan is."
"I made one mistake, and I shouldn't be punished for a whole year" Giselle said.
"Just hang in there" Riley added.
"Well, it can't happen soon enough" Giselle replied with.

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