Lighthouse - Taeyong

Start from the beginning

[21:20] at Namjoo's - y/n pov
„I will never get tired of alice“ Namjoo said while she let herself fall back onto the bed, exhaling.
„The film is just too good“ i agreed, opening the recorder to get the CD out.
Suddenly a pillow hit the side of my head and destroyed the messy bun i had created minutes before.
„Ha gotchya“ Namjoo giggeled behind the green striped pillow. I laughed and hit her back which led into a pillowfight. We both weren't good in aiming and actually hitting the target but it was so much fun and reminded me of our childhood so we did that every once in a while.

We surely looked crazy as we rested our backs against each other and tried to catch some air.
„Should we slowly start to get ready y/n?“ i heard her quietly whispering from behind. I chuckeled and turned around „do you want to see the dress i got?“ i excitedly asked. She nodded and i went to the bathroom to put on my birthday dress.
It was simple yet so beautiful with the embroidery pattern on sleeves and chest. The white fabric was so light and made me feel absolutely stunning, which also reflected in Namjoos facial expression.
Her eyes widened in shock and she clasped her hands onto her mouth.
„Do you like it?“ i asked, nervous for what she would say.
„Are you kidding me y/n? I love it! You look like a fairy in this and omg your tanned skin looks like glass, i'm afraid i will break you with one touch darling“ i spun around and thanked her.
„lemme braid you something beautiful y/n! Oh gosh i am so excited you dont even know“ she jumped a little, the excitement was visible in every action.

After some time of getting ready, putting on make up and packing the things for our little celebration, we were ready to go. Namjoo decided not to drive since we both wanted to drink alcohol, so we took a beautiful night wander. The clock showed 11:45 as we slowly approached the beach. The sound of the ocean had a calming effect on me and i subconsciously started to smile.
„This is beautiful joo“ i whispered as i watched the light beam of the lighthouse glide over the waves.
We placed our picnic blanket on the sand and sat down right next to each other, the wind playing with our hair. We brought small cans of white wine, which we opened now, since it was almost time.
But then suddenly Namjoo said „actually y/n i know a way better spot than this one. Do you trust me?“
I was confused at her words but of course nodded since she was my best friend. Me trusting her was natural for me. I heard her rumour in her bag and then i felt a silky fabric wrap around my head from behind.
„Dont worry y/n. I'm right here i'll bring you to my favourite spot okay?“ i nodded once again and followed her guidance.
He carried me all the way through the candle alleé and put me down right infront of all our friends, who were still singing happy birthday.
„happy birthday y/n!“ i heard Johnnys voice exclaim and everyone who surrounded us lifted their glasses and added their birthday wishes.
Taeyong now took his chance and placed his hands on my waist turning me around to face him.
Soon enough his warm lips captured mine,causing my stomach to tumble.
he finished it off with a small peck on my nose and our foreheads leaning against each other.
„Thank you baby“ i whisper-smiled „I was feeling so guilty that i couldn't start my eighteenth birthday with you“
„it was already planned for so many weeks you don't even know“ he whispered back and locked eyes with mine „lets go and celebrate your birthday reasonable shall we“ he yelled as he grabbed my hand and ran towards the others.

The sun had already started to rise so i'd guess it was about four am. The people who were more or less sober, such as Taeyong and Johnny started to clean up the mess we made, where as me, Namjoo and the dreamies layed in the sand and had the blast of our lifes. We were drunk but not completely wasted, everything was just hella funny.
Suddenly Taeyong came up to us and said „ladies and gentlemen, sorry to interrupt but can i take my sunshine with me?“
He extended his hand to help me up. Namjoo pulled me to her and whispered in my ear „have fun queen“
Taeyong and i walked along the beach, fingers interwined watching the sky colour in the beautiful tint of sunlight.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the clean air and his slow breathing.
„y/n have you already seen a lighthouse from the inside?“ i was confused by his question but answered truthfully.
„would you want to go on an adventure?“ he smirked.

The old door to the lighthouse squeaked as we pushed it open. Taeyongs hand still layed in mine, warm and cozy as we entered the cramped inside.
Wherever you would look was either a spiderweb or some rotten wood.
„is this safe baby?“ i asked and snuggeled closer to him. He hummed and layed his arm around my shoulder. The lighthouse had three floors, which were connected by a wooden starcaise.
We climed up until we reached the third floor.
What i saw left me speechless.
Taeyong had prepared a whole breakfast on a white picnic blanket with candles and fruit and my favourite croissants. He looked at me expectantly and i turned around to him, mouth wide open since I couldn't process what had just happened.
„You did this for me?“ i squeaked. He nooded shyly and gestured me to sit down. But i couldn't, instead i slowly started to walk towards the blanket while i let my gaze glide over the view. The ocean, tinted in the morning orange, laid at my feet. It felt amazing.
Taeyong stood behind me and waited for me to absorb the beauty of the situation.

I felt his presence behind me and reached for his hand. I turned around and rested my hand on his cheek.
„you make me feel like a queen, do you know that?“ my voice broke as he kissed me passionately.
„are you hungry?” he whispered and held me by my waist „its just snacks since we already ate so much but we don't have to eat if you are full“ he added.
I quickly bended down and grabbed one of the chocolate overdrawn grapes to put it in my mouth.
„actually, no i am about to burst“ i laughed and chewed on my grape. He chuckeled and slowly started to tug at my dress.
As i realized what he was onto i looked him deep in the eyes and then nodded.
His smile showed me that he understood my sign and he continued to undress me until i stood there in my white lingerie. He looked at me with tenderly glistening eyes. so much love filled his eyes, that i immediately melted under his stare.
„i want you y/n“ he whispered as he engulfed my neck with butterfly kisses.
„i am all yours“ i answered, smiling into another one of his passionate kisses.

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