Lighthouse - Taeyong

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„Is everyone ready to go?“ the slender, blond boy who just came out of the apartment door asked, excitement filling his voice. His arms were overloaded with birthday decoration and fairy lights.
He pushed the main door open with his left foot, struggling to keep his balance, as another tall boy helped him to hold the door open, while the blond found his balance again.
Both of them and some other boys around their age made their way to the black car, which was parked on the street.
„Johnny did you think of wood and the lighter?“ the blond asked as he was about to jump onto the drivers seat.

„Sure sir, we have everything don't worry“ johnny assured „we'll have to get going or else we'll run out of time yong“ he then added, tapping the dial of his watch.
Only the blasting music was heard as the in total five boys made their way to the nearest beach.

[19:11] two blocks away
„Namjoo, do you think that we should watch Harry Potter or are you in a Alice in wonderland kinda mood“ i screamed downstairs, not wanting to make the effort of walking down the stairs.
„Ofc Alice, why are you even asking? Y/n do you want spicy or extra spicy ramen?“ i heard Namjoos voice echoing back.
„Spicy!“ i screamed back. Her parents weren't at home this evening which gave us the opportunity to fulfill our long awaited film evening. I went back to her room and clicked a button on the remote, lighting up her room with fairy lights. I fluffed the pillows and blankets to make it extra comfy as i heard the door open.
„There you are finally“ i teased and took the tablet with our ramen. Suddenly my phone vibrated and indicated that i got a text message.
Y/n are you free this evening? <3
                    Sorry baby, i have planned a film night with Namjoo :(
Oh, alright its okay i'll see you tomorrow then <3
„Who is it y/n?“ Namjoo asked beside me.
„Oh uhm its Taeyong, he wanted to see me“ i answered „but i'll see him tomorrow anyways so its alright“ i added as i saw the guilt in her eyes.
Tomorrow was my 18th birthday and i would spend the whole day with my boyfriend, so why don't start the day of with your best friend right?
We planned to visit the beach at midnight, to watch the stars and clink glasses when my birthday starts. We had this planned for so long and i couldn't just reject her now.

Namjoo looked at me from the side „y/n your smiling at your phone. Is someone in love?“ she teasingly said and started to tickle me.
„Ahh Namjoo stop“ i gasped trying to catch some air.
We laid on the bed for some minutes, staring at the celing, until i broke the silence.
„Isn't crazy that i'm turning 18 tomorrow“ i sighed „i dont want to get older“
„oh c'mon y/n. Dont be like that now. We're gonna watch that film now shall we?“ she tried catching my attention which worked perfectly fine.

Same time at the beach - taeyong pov
„i'm so excited for her to see what i prepared, honestly“ i stated as i finished putting up the flower decor.
„Hey man this is gonna be amazing. She will never forget this birthday“ Johnny said, with an assuring pat on my back. We took two steps back and looked at our creation : an alleé of sticks decorated with flower decor, guiding to a table where the buffet for today evening would be draped. Luckily i had already planned everything out and parked y/n at Namjoo's, who was in the loop.

Y/n and Namjoo will arrive here in around four to five hours, enough time to prepare everything... I thought
I was extremely nervous. I already texted her and asked if she was free to show my interest because otherwise she would've grasped that i was onto something.
„Okay next are the tables and the birthday decoration guys. We have plenty of time so dont worry“

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