"You know what.... I'm happy for you Irvin, I truly am.... I'm just pissed I didn't realize what type of person you were from the beginning because looking at you now it's kinda obvious. Word of advice Trenton because truthfully, I'm not even mad at you... you didn't and don't owe me shyt but you need to watch this nigga." I said pointing at Irvin. "He plays the quiet and shy card but the truth is he's a social climber, he uses people to get his name out and once a bigger fish comes along he hops on their dick until the next nigga comes along. He learned that from his mom and I'm not too surprised he picked up a few tricks." I said looking at Irvin who was close to tears.

"Khris I'm sorry I hurt you but you are really outta pocket...." Irvin said trying to save face in front of his new nigga.

"I'm really not... I'm going to start treating you like I treat all of our teammates whenever they do something foul I have no issue with calling them out , you're no exception to the rule just because we used to date. Maybe my theory about you is wrong but it's either A) you're lookin for a come-up B) you never really cared about me, to begin with and you were looking for a way out of our relationship C) You're just a hoe who hops on every dick that shows you attention or D) All of the above." I said shrugging.

"Khris that isn't fair nor true.... I came here to apologize and I still intend on doing that if you would just give me the chance." Irvin said and I sank back in my seat. "What I did was messed up and I......"

"Which part? Come on you gotta be more specific, was it cheating... nah it was more than cheating you started a whole new relationship with this nigga when we were still together I mean let's look at the facts; late night cuddle sessions... I'm guessing check. Phone calls all hours of the day and night, out in public together, fuckin.... check, check, check. Then there were the 'I love you' text..... y'all were in a relationship so nah it was definitely more than cheating." I said looking at them.

"Yeah it was.... and you're right, I didn't and don't owe you shyt but I'm man enough to tell you that I should've never fucked up y'alls relationship and for that I'm sorry." Trenton said but I elected to ignore him because he wasn't the one I needed an apology from, we both looked at Irvin and waited.

"Trenton is enrolling early at OSU..... so you'll probably be seeing him around town and probably at some of our games. I just don't want things to be awkward between us and I was hoping we could coexist." Irvin said still incapable of forming the words I wanted to hear.

"I'm cute as fuck.... I'll rebound soon enough and hopefully my next nigga isn't a snake, like you.... We'll be able to coexist, you know I've been playing nice because of what we had but that shyt is over, you're going to be treated exactly how I treat the rest of the team no more holding back... so make sure you bring ya A-Game on Monday, we got an early practice. Now if you'll excuse me I got to finish this damn essay." I said getting up and holding the door open for them.

I finished my essay and took my ass back home, I was proud of myself that I didn't go off the way I could've but I refused to be one of those dudes who bad mouthed their ex... and there was A LOT I could've exposed his ass on but I was ready to move on. After a shower, I was getting ready for bed when I got a text from Jerú saying that he was outside, I ran towards the front door and tried to act all casual, but watching him walk up.......

"Sup y'all...." Rú said nodding to Jaire, Samson, and Jamarious who were sitting in the living room playing the game and they nodded back but continued talking shyt to each other as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my bedroom.

"I'm glad you texted me when you did.... I was bored as fuck and after the day I had, I needed someone to talk to." I said as Rú placed his bag on the chair and stripped down to his boxers. When I got with Irvin, I was a top who switched to vers..... but looking at Rú I legit wouldn't care if I had to be a full-time bottom because his dick looked big as fuck in his boxers.

"I bet my day was crazier than yours." Rú said smiling as he climbed into my bed and pulled the covers over us. "So what kind of day did you have?" He asked pulling me into his arms and pressing his dick against my ass, when Rú was messing with the covers I kicked my shorts off because I was horny as fuck and I really wanted to fuck.... it had been damn near two months and I needed to bust a nut soon...... Rú pulled the covers back and I could feel his eyes on my ass.

"I met up with my ex and his new nigga... the nigga he cheated on me with, found out that I'm going to be seeing him a lot more.... It's not that I want my ex back or anything but I really don't think I can stomach seeing them around town together." I said pushing my ass back against his dick trying to give his nigga very obvious hints but so far he wasn't taking the bait. "What about you... how was your day?" I asked as he made me face him and he started kissing me.

"Crazy as fuck...... I'll tell you in a sec.... right now I just want something normal, so uhh.... like.... you uhh....." He couldn't get the words out and I found it to be kinda cute to watch him struggle to express his feelings. Finally, he just gave up and laid his head on my chest, I could feel him starting to relax as I started rubbing the back of his head. Whatever he had gone through tonight had really shaken him and now he was finally starting to be able to breathe... Within a few minutes, Rú was sleeping peacefully on my chest and I took that as a sign that I probably wasn't going to get any dick tonight so I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep as well..........

"Ayy.... ayy you sleep?" Rú asked shaking me out of my sleep and I opened my eyes and looked at him, obviously, I was sleep so why was he asking that stupid ass question, I looked over at the clock and saw that it was around three in the morning, damn we had been out since around ten. "My bad but.... I had a fuckin crazy ass dream and I......." He shook his head and sat up, he turned away from me and I was worried because he seemed cold and distant.

"Rú are you alright?" I asked and he nodded, I sat up and sat next to him, his eyes were shining but there were no tears coming out, it was almost as if he was fighting to keep his composure.

"I've had a crazy past twenty-four hours....." He said chuckling quietly.

"You know if you wanna talk about it......" I said looking at him and at first, I thought he was going to shut down, but then he took a deep breath and started telling me not just about the past few hours but everything he's been going through with his parents and some things that weren't my secrets to tell..... hearing Rú open up to me was weird because, by the time he was finished talking, I felt like I had to protect him because he's been through, we both have and I was hoping that maybe we could help each other heal from the pain of our past.............

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Duron, Elijah, Luka, De'Veon, or Jaire?

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