I can't move!

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Y/n pov


I woke up to a great morning, sun is standing high in the sky. The sun light was shining through the curtains, but the morning was immediately ruined my 4 ladies pinning me down.

Y/n: WAKE UP!!!!!

KDA: .......

Y/n: I SAID WAKE UP!!!!!!

Nothing, absolutely nothing not even an inch was moved, they were all fast asleep. I tried to move out of the bed, but they all moved closer to me when I moved.

Y/n: VI!!!!!!!! CAITLYN!!!!!!!

The door moved a bit and to heads sticked in, it was Caitlyn and Vi.

Caitlyn: is there a problem Y/n


Vi: Oh my, where is my phone Cait

Y/n: don't I beg you please don't Vi

Vi: sorry Y/n, but this is a one in a million chance for this to happen again I got to save it

Caitlyn: here you go Vi

Vi quickly took the her phone and snapped some shots of me and the girls

Y/n: please delete it I beg you Vi

Vi: sorry Y/n but this is to valuable to delete

Caitlyn: well if there isn't a problem we should take our leave

Y/n: No don't go help me please I beg you

Caitlyn: bye~

Vi: bye bye little brother~

Y/n: NOOOOOO!!!!

after a half hour of trying to wake the ladies up, they finally woke up

Y/n: okay now get of me so I can take a shower please

Ahri: No I want to cuddle with you

Evelynn: Do you want me to shower you Y/n~

Y/n: No please no!

Evelynn: you are no fun Y/n

I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move a inch, I tried again and again

Y/n: what why can't I move

Evelynn: Ara ara, Y/n can't move huh?

Y/n: no please no

Eve sat on top of me and she began to grind on my nether area. I could feel it becoming big

Y/n: Shit

Evelynn: ara ara are you getting hard?

Kai'sa: do you mind if I join?

Y/n: no no please don't

Akali and Ahri: Hey we wan't to join too

Y/n: Shit, VI, CAITLYN!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

Vi: what is it Y/n, I am not going to delete the foot

She sticked her head through the door


Caitlyn: what is it Vi?

Caitlyn stuck her head through the door too

Caitlyn: oh my god, here Vi

Caitlyn handed Vi the phone and Vi took some shots really quick

Vi: sorry for interrupting

Y/n: no help me please UwU

Caitlyn: sorry Y/n

Y/n: What do i do!!! ARGHHHHH!!! HEP ME PLEASE!!!! GOD!!!!!!! wait there is just one thing to do teleport! *trying to teleport* *pant* no I can't do that. the final thing to do. AAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!

Evelynn: what is wrong Y/n

Ahri: don't please don't go away again Y/n

Y/n: help me Akali...... go out and buy some vinegar, Evelynn......... get a knife, Kai'sa get some papers, Ahri get me a table..... NOW I need to operate on my self... QUICK!!!!

They went off without a hesitation.

Y/n: HA!!! im genius

I tried to sit up but I couldn't, I rolled off the bed landing on my tummy on the ground.

Y/n: *thump* owie

Vi walked into the room

Vi: Whats wrong Y/n?

Y/n: CALL FIORA!!!!!

After a while laying on the floor Fiora came with the girls

Fiora: Hmmm...... I need to check you, you say you can't move and inch

Y/n: yes!

Fiora: hmmm........ okay girls strip Y/n from his clothes

Y/n: Nooooo please stop!!!

They slowly walked towards me, I got only one solution left. ROLL OF THE BED AGAIN, yeah I rolled of the bed AGAIN!

Y/n: owie *sad face*

Kai'sa: Oh Y/n come here

She placed me on the bed and my head on her lap

Y/n: will you still strip me from my clothes?

Kai'sa: yes, but not right now

Y/n: if you do it ima hurt myself more!

Kai'sa: Y/n dont!

Y/n: then don't strip me from my clothes!

Kai'sa: ...... Fine

After a while Fiora took some test showing that I am paralyzed for a day or to


Fiora: whats wrong Y/n its only for a day or to

Y/n: you don't know what they will do to me!

(A/n: I know bad place too end, but I need to get this chapter out so you don't need to wait so long for a chapter)

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